Move Desktop Icons


Oct 31, 2008
Yes Im slow ... Today I found the setting to reduce size of icons on desktop, but it has left my icons all over the place

How does one organise them, tried dragging and dropping but did not seem to work

thanks in advance, im sure of a simple question!
mali said:
Drag and drop works, but the right timing is crucial.

Thanks Mali ... WOW you are not joking . . you have to time it exactly!

I cheated a bit, removed the apps out of desktop, rearranged the system ones then added back apps in order.
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Here is the most consistent way I have found to move Desktop icons:

1. Use the stylus to position the pointer over the icon to be moved.

2. Use the right nub's left direction/mouse button to click the icon and immediately touch another part of the Desktop with the stylus while holding the right nub's mouse button,
then an image of the icon will appear where you touched.

3. You can now move the icon as long as the stylus is touching and/or the right nub's left direction/mouse button is held.**

4. Release the right nub's left direction/mouse button and lift the stylus to drop the icon.***

Sometimes you get the 'select multiple objects using the mouse' lasso box after step 2. Just move the pointer back to the icon and try again.

** The left nub works with step 3 if the right nub's left direction/mouse button is held and the stylus is lifted.
** Once the icon is in motion the pressed stylus works to move it with or without the right nub's left direction/mouse button being held.
*** If the the right nub's left direction/mouse button is released then once the stylus is lifted the icon is dropped.
*** The icon can not be dropped until the right nub's left direction/mouse button is released.
dgame said:
Here is the most consistent way I have found to move Desktop icons:

1. Use the stylus to position the pointer over the icon to be moved.

2. Use the right nub's left direction/mouse button to click the icon and immediately touch another part of the Desktop with the stylus while holding the right nub's mouse button,
then an image of the icon will appear where you touched.

3. You can now move the icon as long as the stylus is touching and/or the right nub's left direction/mouse button is held.**

4. Release the right nub's left direction/mouse button and lift the stylus to drop the icon.***

Sometimes you get the 'select multiple objects using the mouse' lasso box after step 2. Just move the pointer back to the icon and try again.

** The left nub works with step 3 if the right nub's left direction/mouse button is held and the stylus is lifted.
** Once the icon is in motion the pressed stylus works to move it with or without the right nub's left direction/mouse button being held.
*** If the the right nub's left direction/mouse button is released then once the stylus is lifted the icon is dropped.
*** The icon can not be dropped until the right nub's left direction/mouse button is released.

I had a dickens of a time trying the other way. I thank you for sharing/reposting this method. Makes me happy to rearrange the house now. :)
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can I just make a point.. why has the desktop been made like this? surly its should just act normal and not this locked mode where you have to be super quick??
Just trying to remember off of the top of my head, so I may very well be mistaken, but I *think* it's due to the hold-for-right-click thing that's there for the sake of making it easier to use the touch-screen. :P
Prometheus said:
Just trying to remember off of the top of my head, so I may very well be mistaken, but I *think* it's due to the hold-for-right-click thing that's there for the sake of making it easier to use the touch-screen. :P
Yeah it is a side effect of the GTK touchscreen mode, but surprisingly the touchscreen mode apparently isnt what creates hold-for-right-click (or atleast I disabled gtk touchscreen mode and I can still hold for right click (you just must be very accurate to stay in about the same place), but OTOH dragging icons around works nicely, even with the touchscreen.)
But anyways you can disable GTK touchscreen mode if you want by editing (with root powers) /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc, you can just comment out (with #) the line in question, then logout+login so that every app gets the new configuration.
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