I don't think there is a way to do this. Look for a cheat in the game to help maybe. Check a site like gamefaqs.com. They usually have a ton of cheats.
If this was a NeoGeo arcade emu it would probably work, but since it's a home system, you'll have to look for the cheats.
You can continue at the level you got a game over if you want to play it to the end. Besides that, it`s not so hard to get to the last level with 5 continues, I have completed the first 4 levels without loosing a live, just level 5&6 are hard. Pin Point attack is driving me crazy!
Yep, and they have credits in the homeversion to add to the dificulty, and if anyone would like to put up a ranking board. They could have "completed in 1 credit" etc. Pretty common in shoot em ups.
Beacause the games work in both arcade machines and home machines, the credits thing is mostly pointless in home games though, I think some of them let you change how many credits you have in the home version.