Mobile Raspberry Pi Computer

Nice, but not pocket-sized...

If development weren't so expensive, a Pi-compatible board in a Pandora case would present some awesome software oportunities.
My idea would be:

ICP2 + Cheap but powerfull Android smartphone or

ICP2 + GK802 PC Stick (Android and Linux compatible Quad core) + LCD screen + Pandora Battery
I saw that earlier. Myself and my friends all thought it was stupid. Why $400 on something that supposed to be cheap?
^ It cost him $400, I don't think his selling them .  Basically it's a DIY project, the purpose was the enjoyment of creating something like that himself.  
haha, pretty cool,but glad to see the Pandora is slimmer and better looking that this DIY project :) But this is heads-up to the OPT members : this kind of thing is coming, and the next ones will be better and cheaper and potential OP competitors. Driving the OP price down, step by step, should be one of the urgent priorities at this stage.
A few commenters mentioned it reminded them of the Pandora . Well now there IS a viable alternative to the pandora . Looks fun to build too . To my knowledge the average nerd does not own a 3d printer though .
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It looks like quite the brick - he crammed so much stuff in there, didn't optimize space really, that keyboard is still whole... he adds an extra SSD(!) and big, fat laptop battery cells... no wonder it's huge. I just imagine he took what he had at hand to basically get those specs together. I still like it though.

Ze Germans might be interested to hear that now also carry the Raspberry Pi. I was genuinely tempted to get one at their store yesterday. 
Well the Raspberry Pi is substantially slower than the Pandora even the classic ones. but I do like this modding, if anything it kind of shows what 3D printing can do now.
This is pretty cool.

I might try to build something like this too, when I get my hands on a pi.
Well ... Yeah I suppose but at 35 usd$ it's not bad . And I mean for a hobbyist project that's pretty kewl .
Well ... Yeah I suppose but at 35 usd$ it's not bad . And I mean for a hobbyist project that's pretty kewl .
It's 400$ for all the parts actually and the old CC-Pandora still should be faster.
In that case ... It's still looks like a fun hack . But that's me just being difficult :)
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For less than $150 I got a MK802mk3 stick, and a Motorola Lapdock, and I built myself the ultimate upgradable laptop.  This is the direction things are going, methinks ..
For less than $150 I got a MK802mk3 stick, and a Motorola Lapdock, and I built myself the ultimate upgradable laptop.  This is the direction things are going, methinks ..
What is an MK802mk3? [edit: ah, one of those dual-core linux-on-a-stick thingies]

A friend also got a lapdock to make his raspi mobile, but now he put in a cubieboard.

Nice thing about those lapdocks is you can always upgrade the 'internals' :)