Mini USB Broken & Other Inquries


Oct 4, 2008

Does anyone see anything wrong with this image? If you guessed the Mini USB, that would be correct. It's definitely broken - Trying to plug a cord in was a bad idea, because the thing just get's pushed further back into the shell (Not that there's much room to go back into). It's definitely still connected in some way or it'd just be gone and rattling around inside. Interestingly plugging the cord in turned the system on even though the cord was not plugged in, but honestly I'm too afraid to plug it in because there's clearly something wrong and I don't want to make it worse.

Anyways, how this happened I have no idea. I haven't even used my Pandora in about 2 weeks (College and all that), but today I was working at my desk, and when I looked up to the window, I saw that was there. Is there any way to fix this? There has to be, because if not this one is dead for good (my power input is dead too, but not for the same reasons - it simply doesn't work). And there's no way I can afford to buy a new one. I might be able to get it fixed if I can sell some of my eBay stuff and the fix is within budget. Anyone might be able to help?

I don't know if it will help at all, but this is one of the first units that was bought when the "premium" was offered, so it should be 256MB RAM and I know it's not the 1GHz. I've had her for a few years now (Since may 2011) so her warranty is far past over.

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So I'm not alone! I also have a Premium CC unit... and quite some time ago my power port stopped working. I've been using the Mini USB ever since. Hopefully mine doesn't go the same way as yours because then I'm screwed! O.o
Both are easy fixes.

As long as the MiniUSB port still has all contacts fine, all that needs to be done is resolder the MiniUSB outer shield back to the PCB and that's it.

The AC Connector is also easy to fix (as long as no traces on the PCB have been ripped).

Both can be done here, yes.
Sorry for the off-topic ED, but my full size USB port isn't exactly broken, but has become very delicate. I.e. I have to hold things in with an elastic band and not bump the Pandora otherwise the connection breaks and the usb host will crash.
Does the whole port need to be replaced? Is it an easy fix?
It's not urgent, but with the power port gone as well, I was toying with the idea of sending it in for an RMA... that I am all too happy to pay for of course as I'm loooooong past warranty. :)
Sounds like one solder connection has come lose.

That would be a 30 seconds fix (no new port required)
Hey ED, I'm glad these are pretty easy fixes. I have a few more things I would like to inquiry about, so should I just shoot you a PM?


Alright, I sent you a PM. I don't personally think any of it is within public interest so I'll leave it at that.
I understand that ED is a very busy man, however I'm under a time deadline for both money and location, so it'd be preferred if I could get an answer sooner then later.

It's possible this might be helpful to someone out there, so I'll just post what I want to know about here:
1) How much are the repairs of the Mini USB?
2) The plastics on my Pandora are not holding up too well these days. I see on your site that the platinum plastics are US $26 or so. How much would the labor be to have you replace the plastics? (I really don't trust myself - especially with the hinge.)
3) My left nub has not been functioning correctly since about 8 months after I bought my unit, however at the time I didn't have any money to get it in for repairs. How much would repairs / replacement of that cost? I'm not rolling in dough or anything, but I'd figured I should ask anyways.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm generally a very patient guy, but someone has offered to re-solder the Mini USB for me, and since I'm in college money is really come and go (Plus I go back home in a month), but if I have the option I'd rather go the official route.

Thanks for understanding,
~ Sam
^ BUMP ^   Maybe a Mod should place this on the "Ask ED Questions" thread?  I'd hate for this to go unanswered....ED hasn't seen this thread for at least 5 days now.
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The thread creator could also utilize this site to get in contact with Ed (afaik it has a high priority on EDs schedule), but I don't know if this could be considered as "annoying".
I understand that ED is a very busy man, however I'm under a time deadline for both money and location, so it'd be preferred if I could get an answer sooner then later.

It's possible this might be helpful to someone out there, so I'll just post what I want to know about here:

1) How much are the repairs of the Mini USB?

2) The plastics on my Pandora are not holding up too well these days. I see on your site that the platinum plastics are US $26 or so. How much would the labor be to have you replace the plastics? (I really don't trust myself - especially with the hinge.)

3) My left nub has not been functioning correctly since about 8 months after I bought my unit, however at the time I didn't have any money to get it in for repairs. How much would repairs / replacement of that cost? I'm not rolling in dough or anything, but I'd figured I should ask anyways.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm generally a very patient guy, but someone has offered to re-solder the Mini USB for me, and since I'm in college money is really come and go (Plus I go back home in a month), but if I have the option I'd rather go the official route.

Thanks for understanding,

~ Sam
1: It's free.

2: You may order an upgrade in the Dragonbox shop. Then send you Pandora in with an RMA sheet and leave a note with your order number ans well.

Follow the link and order a Case upgrade.

3: Nubs are also free.

It's important to put a note in your package where all 3 issues are mentioned.

Else  we won't do them.

We can't remember everything.
Thank you guys for signal boosting this, and thank you Askarus for the answers! Glad to hear 1 and 3 are free, budget is quite tight (Something <= $100 US). So I should send my unit in with a note detailing what is wrong + what is needed and you guys will work it out? I'm still a little confused about the cost thing however - As much as I'd love to upgrade to even a Rebirth, I'm not sure I can afford a board upgrade. My board is a classic but it does not offer classic in the upgrade option, so this doesn't seem like it will work for me to just pay for the case to be installed?

Thanks for the help!
~ Sam
Never noticed you can't select case upgrade without a board upgrade.

I'll ask ED what's best for you and contact you then.
As I understand the upgrade system, you've two options - either RMA for the existing defects, and optionally buy a new case to be fitted at the same time, or order an uprade to a Rebirth unit (extra RAM) or a 1GHz unit (faster CPU/GPU and the extra RAM). If you ordered an uprgade you'd get an entire new board, and if you selected a new case too all you'd have that was original would be the LCD, but that may be out of your price range, coming in at about $175 for an upgrade to the rebirth with the extra RAM.

If you wanted to stick with your current classic board (albeit fixed up) then you're right, the link Askarus shared is not for you. Unfortunately, looking at the case product page, new cases are currently out of stock, so there would need to be a delay if you wanted a new case to be included in the repair, that would introduce a delay.
Case is not out of stock, we simply couldn't make fixed case sets yet.

I'll do this as soon as possible (Within the next month).

There won't be any delay when sending in for a repair.

I think in the end it'd be the best if you send your Pandora in without buying anything.

Write all your issues on an RMA Sheet and send me or EvilDragon a PM.

We'll find a way then.
Alright, update: I talked with ED Briefly via PM, and I just shipped my Pandora off for repairs / upgrades! When the Pandora comes back I'll take some pics of the fixes and upload them here.

Oh, and I know there is a possibility of confusion for which address to send the Pandora back to. If there is, feel free to message me or E-Mail me and we'l talk about it then.

Thank you guys!

~ Sam