

OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
For some bizarre reason I decided that I would buy Mill as my first official game, because it looked good and fun to play, and I thought that getting past the language barrier would just be a case of trial and error. How wrong was I?

Does anyone know where the hell you have to go or what you're supposed to do? So far I have entered a cave and killed blue puffs of smoke and then got outside and killed wasps, and then it just keeps repeating the same screens over and over. Usually I'm quite RPG minded but this is just baffling me.

A walk through perhaps?
If anyone does write or has already writen a walkthrough for this game or any other I will be happy to put them on my site so that they don't get lost in the forums

You have to go back to the house you first came from. Talk to the girl then walk directly to the left (in the house first floor) you will see her brother pop out form behind a screen and he will give you something to take with you. Now walk up the stairs and talk to the robot looking creature..he will bring you to another screen then you walk all the way right wihich brings you to the level boss.

The language barrier is very bad with Mill. And you do need it to really understand any of the game BUT..I completed the game through trial and error. Of course more error than trial.

I have gotten past 2 complete endings so far. I know there is at least one more. It really is a great game despite the lanaguage thing and multiple snags
Thanks, I'll try that. The thing is I've got loads of official games now so it'll proabably get pushed to the bottom of the pile for a while. Maybe it'll resurface properly when they release and english patch.