Microsoft XBOX Series X


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005

Unveiled too early, 11 months till launch. Not a good move by Microsoft, imo.

Now, Sony might make some more changes to PS5 to gain more of an advantage.
Plus, the name XSX is shit, imo and will only confuse the average or noobie consumer :(

On a side note, they're both going to be identical GPU wise, right?

Also, it looks huge and reminiscent of a pc tower, lol

I'm still leaning towards getting a PS5 (only), but after hearing that the XSX will be able to play XBOX original, 360 and XBOX ONE games...I'm now compelled to get both. FML
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On a side note, they're both going to be identical GPU wise, right?
Well, they'll probably both have access to what's generally available to everyone. I mean, it does kinda hurt that noone in the video game business is actually a GPU manufacturer. Nvidia did try making some of their own gaming devices once, with limited success...
Cause i still have a verry big backlog on my XBOX ONEX, and i use this XBOX also as a Display Stand on my Desctop, which dosnt work whit this new XBOX, its not that possible i will buy the new one..
At this point, I fail to see the benefit of getting an XBox at all. If you're into Windows gaming, might as well just get a PC? Unless their "series X" is like SteamPC (I.e. a computer with compatible/comparable hardware).

The only Xbox I have is the R2D2 model of the 360. Pretty sweet design, and got it for the Kinect as I liked the idea of it initially. They dropped that too anyway...

I've always hated the general designs of MS's consoles. The original XBox was undeniably an eyesore, and this new reveal doesn't look any better. It just looks big and imposing.
I want to use just my Pyra as a Work PC at home (so i have my Debian Desctop at home and on the road),
So i would need a new windows PC for the Games, and such a thing is Expensive and its not the Pyra..

So i have the XBOX for the Games, and the Pyra for Work (and for Retro Games) instead of a big expensive PC and a Pyra..
I could make a joke and say it looks like they let the Minecraft department design it.

But honestly, who cares what it looks like. so long as it does the job
Every new Version I'm surpriced that they're able to fitt even more Xes in the name.

But I'm failing to see the advantage of an X-Box compared to an normale PC.
If the X-Box would have the option to use with an unlocked / non crippled OS it would think about buying one.
If the X-Box would run Linux without the need of using loopholes,... the X-Box would be an instant buy
The good news is they've already announced the Xbox Series X XXXL Edition.


In all seriousness, I don't think there are any surprises here beyond the questionable form-factor. We already knew both MS and Sony were going with bespoke AMD APUs, just like the current generation. We knew they'd basically be consolized PCs with mid-range (at launch) specs, just like the current generation. We knew MS and Sony would both make absurd claims about resolution and framerate capability that will not come close to holding up under real-world conditions, just like the current generation. There's nothing mind-blowing or revolutionary about either console, and that's perfectly OK.

MS and Sony have finally accepted that an x86 gaming PC is and always will be the pinacle of gaming performance at any given point in time. Since nintendo has the underpowered-but-quirky market covered, there's really no reason to spend resources on re-inventing the wheel every generation. Simply building a PC with off-the-shelf parts, locking it into your gaming ecosystem, and calling it a platform is boring, but it's the logically correct way to make consoles for the sort of people who buy consoles. Valve's steambox concept was really smart - they just didn't have the marketing chops to sell it properly or the manufacturing resources to get the price down to a reasonable level.
That photo actually made me consider how big this console actually is. Since that slot is cd sized, this thing is actully about the size of two full height 5.12inch drives stacked side by side.
About the Name: Microsoft Consoles dosnt get named like normal Consoles do:

XBOX (1.) - XBOX 360 (2.) - XBOX One (1.???)

For me, the One fits, because its my first XBOX, ...

I have my XBOX ONEX on my Desk, so its dosnt matter for me if i use a PC for Gaming or the XBOX, just a matter of Pushing a Diverent Power ONE Button and to chose the right source on my TV
The design is bad for something you'd most likely want to put in a tv rack. Not tremendously living room friendly.
I wouldnt put a Next Gen XBOX in a TV Rack, neither a "Current Gen XBOX", these TV Racks are meant for Things that ditnt produce that many heat, but a XBOX should run whit lot more space for the AIR to flow..

My XBOX ONEX once shut down because it was too many heat, but maybe its was more because the heat around was too hight this summer..

A Pandora could work in a TV Rack, but not a Console..