I'm going to agree fully here. Watch all the Wintel noobs flock to the Pandora forums absolutely puzzled by Halo not running. Aha.
Or were you talking about this thread. Also, fully agree. Here I go! v.
I think all desktop OSs are on the verge of being locked down. OSX will determine this, if they manage to make it so the end user can not install unauthorized apps like they do in iOS then I'm sure Microsoft will be hot on their heels like they always are. If Apple manages it before windows runs on ARM then I don't know why you would want to run windows on your Pandora. Without hacking the OS you'll only be able to run a handful of apps(look how small their market is for phones) and none of them will be emulators that you currently run on your Pandora. Well, or any for that matter, emulators will not be authorized on the OS I'm sure. This all depends on if it is locked down though.
Also, when windows for ARM ships I bet it will require a beefy ARM processor to run, much more than what the Pandora has right now. It won't even be out for a year or more and they'll want to have it optimized for whatever the latest and greatest hardware is out right then.
It's already like this on the laptop I was given at school. I wish they hadn't, so I could go back to using my Linux laptop. Windows 7 on shit processor, can't run any programs (can run Java...sigh. I use Java to ssh out (I ditch an old box with a wifi dongle in a broom cupboard at school, would you believe?) and to play Minecraft).
And it SUCKS. I don't know how anyone could 'live' like this XD.
I don't think it will ever happen on the desktop. It won't work. Lots of Windows games are made by bedroom coders...if they can't write their programs, there'll be a lot less demand for Windows...
And word can only get so shit before people begin to find OpenOffice, which is, to my uttermost displeasure, faster and often lighter, than word, which is apparently 'the best'(or it wouldn't be used, RIGHT?).
FYI, I don't use either. When on (GNU/)Linux, I use AbiWord and Gnumeric. When forced to use Windows, I use Notepad (Or in the case that I am allowed to run programs that belong to the admin, AbiWord, which runs faster than notepad (doesn't take ~250ms to draw a char like notepad does (!)). Yep.
Haha, that's right, you proprietary OS users are screwed

Paranoia about how much the proprietary guys
might lock down their systems is a little misplaced IMO. They are already closed systems, we already have better alternatives, and we will continue to have free platforms in the future. If they want to go down this path they can go pound sand.
With that out of the way - back on topic:
- Is it interesting that Microsoft is working on an ARM port? Sure.
- Is more choice good? Always.
- Would I run Windows on my Pandora? Oh HELL NO!
But hey - knock yourself out. It not like any x86 Windows games are going to run on it though - at least not without emulation. So I don't see it taking off as a viable alternative.
> they can go pound sand
Punching wood!
> Would I run Windows on my Pandora? Oh HELL NO!
I'm looking at this the other way: if there's ARM windows, there will be ARM binaries for windows programs. If there are ARM binaries, that means it's feasible to run windows programs through wine without QEMU on a pandora. If game developers start releasing binaries for both architectures, this might end up being good for the pandora
<not serious>And now there will be ARM virii for the first time, yaaaaay!</not serious>
<serious>But that is a serious issue. Windows attracts lameness</serious>
(and @richiz)
>Open systems will win.
Open systems do win for those who've actually tried them.
The future of OSes is...not written yet.
<joke>Can't be, it's the FUTURE os</joke>
<serious>Nothing out there is actually working

The future of OSes can't truly happen until there is cooperation with device manufacturers(The problem in Linux, and Haiku, and every hobby OS), and the operating system doesn't suck due to shit code and/or DRM and/or misc faggotry(The problem in Windows/OSX).
What needs to happen is not an OS written for the hardware, but the hardware written for the OS.
That is my plan. No further details until something works.