Metal Slug 1-3 Qs Using Kawaks Emulator


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Oct 1, 2003
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Since I don't have my PSP and games yet, I've been playing Neo Geo stuff for the holidays. I've got all the metal slugs but there is no blood from the guys only water.

Anyone know how to change this? I tried all the different region settings and nothing makes any difference. Before I formatted my comp, I had metal slug 1 with blood, but now when I reinstalled kawaks, it has water....
I used to always play it in the arcade with blood so this water makes the whole experience non authentic :)
huh? i've never played any mslug game with blood! even the mslug1 machine at my old school had no blood

do you have that neo drift out game in your collection? plays surprisingly good with an arcade stick :D
junker posted on Mar 30 2005 at 12:42 PM said:
huh? i've never played any mslug game with blood! even the mslug1 machine at my old school had no blood

do you have that neo drift out game in your collection? plays surprisingly good with an arcade stick :D

Yeah they censored it for the US. The Jap and Europe version had it. Not sure about Neo Drift, if its in the latest MAMe than I have it :)
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yeah, just play through every neo game in your collection, or every mame game! you'll come across many good arcade titles you've never heard of ;)
I play those games via Kawa-X on my Xbox... there are a couple ways to get the blood to show up...

Not sure how this all works in PC emu but should be the same. You have to play the game in Arcade mode, not in home console mode... errr actually I think playing it in home console mode will turn on the blood as well... I'm not sure I usually play in Arcade mode anyways.

Anyways, in Arcade mode you can get into the Soft Dip Switch settings, and in those settings menus will be all the options you'd usually find in a regular options menu, stuff like difficulty, time limit adjustmends, and yes, turning blood on and off.

By the way, on the Xbox, you access the soft dip settings by pushing the right thumbstick to the left in game, but you have to reset the game after exiting for any changes to take effect.
Ah thanks just what I needed to know Bast. Now to find how to get there on the PC version.
Buy a proper Neo Geo you thieving bastard :P

Seriously, it's well worth it. Go the MVS route and it's really not expensive at all, plus you get to fiddle with the dip switches to turn blood on/off.
Found it. Cheers. Nah I don't think a Neo Geo is worth buying for 3 games. Plus I spent enough $$$ at the arcades on metal slug so I owe SNK nothing :P
Like Junker said, there's plenty of great games in the Neo-Geo catalogue. Metal Slug, King of Fighters, Last Blade, Blazing Star, Windjammers, Waku Waku'd be surprised. Not to say that emulation is bad thing - I mean, I discovered the Neo Geo through emulation before I went out and bought one myself. Honestly, if you buy a nice cab it's something you won't regret. Plus it can be easily converted to run JAMMA games...
oh yeah, i love mslug!
i was last year seriously about to buy a neo mvs cab for an xbox mame conversion. this guy's xbox project using a neo cab inspired me. too bad i have weak attention span and didn't have enough $$$ at the time.

yeah, i first discovered the neo geo by emulators also(back then with neoragex :D ).
i've played plenty at the arcades as well, but i feel i should buy the actual hardware, hehe
Well my PC is hooked up to my TV with 2 controllers, so I've got the best arcade and console cabinet of all hehe