Menu Launchery Thingy


Still Fresh
Mar 12, 2006
This is something I'd do myself in a heartbeat had I any coding skills beyond Java.

Okay, something that gets a little old on the GP2x is selecting, say, Games, being presented with the filesystem, and having to stroll through it while you work out where you put stuff, or think about what you want to play.

Wouldn't it be cool if you could instead click into a submenu with direct links to your emus?

The way I understand it, most configuration in Linux is done using flat text files. So to make this work, you could have a text file that a user stores in the root of their SD card, which could contain the information needed to make the icons in the submenu: Name of link, path to app, path to icon.

The idea could be expanded to all default menu items, so that when you select, say, Pictures, or Music, you could go directly to a folder on your SD card whose path is in the config file.

I'll shut up now.
Although it's not exactly what you asked, and is a bit more involved than a program that does it for you, this can be accomplished more or less with launch scripts. Here's an example of my card layout;

And then contents of the "--Emulators--" folder;

I have the dashes in the name so when you click on game for instance, the emulator folder will be the first one listed.

Lastly, an example script from my setup;


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 1 -1 260
cd /mnt/sd/data/emulators/squidgesnes/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu
Thanks for the feedback. It's a step in the right direction, but not what I imagined when I wrote the above post. Granted, I was wasted at the time.

I'm looking at implementing my idea myself, 'cos I am teh l33t h4xx0r (no, not actually). However, I'm a bit stumped because I bought my GP2X secondhand and it didn't come with an SDK or documentation. Anyone know of a link to such? Can't find one on
i'm not sure if i understand this correctly...but it sounds like what i already do, which is have a folder with shell scripts in it. maybe you were talking about writing an app which does this for you...that would be kind of cool but personally i'm hoping for a full menu replacement soon. haven't had the chance to try wanx yet but it looks like the installation scripts are getting replaced so maybe i'll give it a go.

anyhoo, i click games in the menu, then "Links" (my shortcut folder), then pick whatever i want to play. pretty painless, except that i had to make the scripts myself, which didn't take long and was worth the effort.
TheFr00n posted on Apr 1 2006 at 07:45 PM said:
I'm looking at implementing my idea myself, 'cos I am teh l33t h4xx0r (no, not actually). However, I'm a bit stumped because I bought my GP2X secondhand and it didn't come with an SDK or documentation. Anyone know of a link to such? Can't find one on
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I wrote a gpe and gpu scanner that creates scripts for you. It was meant for the original version of WanX, and so creates them in the shortcut folder.

Get it here - It contains something torpor gave me which is untested, if it doesn't work, please tell me so.