Mega/sega Cd


Still Fresh
May 14, 2008
Manchester, UK
Ive just got Mega CD emulation working to play one of my all time favorite games, Dune, but with all the digitized speech and things the Mega CD version has. And am quite impressed! Never actually seen or owned a mega CD before, and this version of dune is awesome.

Anyways, can anyone recommend what other good games that were avalible for the Mega CD. Ive heard there is a Sonic CD which I may check out and maybe Snatcher when I have a bit more free time for adventure games.

Any other good ones?
Back in the day when I had one, I used to love the 'movie' games like Night Trap, Sewer Shark, Ground Zero Texas, Dracula Unleased (Still have the original!) Tomcat Alley and a few others. They're all not that good really but having a movie computer game was just awesome back then :)
Um sorry for being too predictable but , get sonic cd. It is by far the best sonic game (even better than s3k imho) and one of my all time favourites.

To my knowledge , mostly other titles are cd music and fmv added versions of genesis games...

*eats potato chips and waits for someone to come out with obscure gems*
DynaMight said:
Back in the day when I had one, I used to love the 'movie' games like Night Trap, Sewer Shark, Ground Zero Texas, Dracula Unleased (Still have the original!) Tomcat Alley and a few others. They're all not that good really but having a movie computer game was just awesome back then :)
Ha ha :) I know what you mean, I used to love them and think they were amazing when they came out! We had a Phillips CDI I think it was around that time, and I seem to remember them being the only games you could get for it that much. I loved the X-Files game, Spycraft and phantasmagoria think it was called. Might check some of them ones out for mega cd.

Um sorry for being too predictable but , get sonic cd. It is by far the best sonic game (even better than s3k imho) and one of my all time favourites.

Might check sonic CD out, not too much of a fan of the sonic games really though, get a bit repetitive.
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I owned a megaCD and there really wasn't a great deal of games available for it that were significantly better than MegaDrive, however...

Silpheed impressed me a lot back then - it's an on-rails 3D space shooter.

The Terminator - very different to the MD game. Fantastic. The definitive Terminator game on any platform.

Batman Returns - took the MD game and added on a pretty neat driving section.

No point mentioning Sonic Cd again. So I won't :P

Ecco the Dolphin was a pretty good game. Almnost identical to the MD version IIRC, but included a few unlockable FMVs about dolphins.
Concerning Sonic CD, be sure to get the Japanese version. It has far better music than the US version. The European version has the same soundtrack as the Japanese version, but it plays considerably slower at 50 fps. The Jap version therefore is the superior one.
someone just informed me of a ridiculous Penn & Teller game that was only completed on Sega CD .. it was a collection of "prank games" i guess..including one called Desert Bus ... where you had to drive a bus from LA to Las Vegas (?) IN REAL TIME!!!!

too funny. I think this game was never released or something, as there is word of it on LostLevels.
plokami said:
I ve tried Batman Returns and it doesnt paly smooth even with overclocking. Any suggestions.
No chance. The game massively uses the graphics processor of the Sega CD.
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I suggest you check out Popful Mail if you are into Castlevania games or side-scrolling RPGs. It is a lot like Zelda 2 which I am quite fond of.
Flashback is ok, but the only benefits are proper FMV sequences and higher quality music.

Eye of the Beholder

Dungeon Master 2??

Dungeon Explorer

Spiderman Vs The Kingpin - like The Terminator, was a different game from the original cart version
namco said:
Flashback is ok, but the only benefits are proper FMV sequences and higher quality music.

Eye of the Beholder

Dungeon Master 2??

Dungeon Explorer

Spiderman Vs The Kingpin - like The Terminator, was a different game from the original cart version
Hmm might play through Flashback again. One of my favorite games.

Might play dungeon master 2 thats was pretty good i remember. Not sure if it will work console wise though.
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Keio Flying Squadron, it's a bit like Parodius or Cotton, but much, much harder.

Robo Aleste is a good old shootmuppy thing, a sequel to M.U.S.H.A. on the Mega Drive.

Earthworm Jim: Special Edition, fantastic music and an extra level that's not on the cartridge versions.

Mickey Mania is the same as it is on the Mega Drive and SNES, but again with better music and more speech.

Then there's the standards that every Mega CD gamer should play - Sonic CD, Snatcher and Popful Mail.

Dark Wizard's also a lot of fun if you're into tactical RPGs.
Then there's the standards that every Mega CD gamer should play - Sonic CD, Snatcher and Popful Mail.

Does popful mail run on picodrive ? I tried two times with the game from different sites and both give me just a black screen

TwoHeadedBoy said:
Keio Flying Squadron, it's a bit like Parodius or Cotton, but much, much harder.

Robo Aleste is a good old shootmuppy thing, a sequel to M.U.S.H.A. on the Mega Drive.

seconded ;)

btw anybody know about this one ? screenshot look stunning -yes I feel stunned honestly,270900/
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Does popful mail run on picodrive ? I tried two times with the game from different sites and both give me just a black screen

hell yes! try to enable something that sounds like "accurate emulation" on the options menu, worked like a charm even with old picodrive versions
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