Matrix: Reloaded?

man, matrix reloaded rocked. i thought it was pretty damn cool. i have a lot of friends who say it suxed but i say they sux. not as good as the first one plot wise but good none the less.
What are you? Some sort of "L33t HaX0r"?!
It's a new technique, called parody. You may have heard of it.

On topic, I gave up talking about my Matrix theories when I saw this. 18+ pages of theories...quite overwhelming. Some good, some stupid.

Of course it's up to the Bros., they might just decide to MWAM - I hope not.
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oh man i just got the greatest videos ever its called star wars kid. its some fat kid using a broom stick as a light saber that have a matrix parody if it to its way too hilarious. if anyone wants it emial me at or im on winmx with the same name im always in DREAMCAST ISO'S. trust me this vidoes are hilarious
Great ideas guys! :D

Still left baffeled though :huh:

If you love the film then I highly recomend the matrix game (XBOX)

It is great to play and there is about an hour of FMV (DVD quality near enough) These FMVs get the brain going even deeper,

worth a look to all matrix fans

Yeh I really liked the Xbox game, though most ppl are paning it :( . Its just a fun no brainer action game :) But I managed to Get Panzer Dragoon Orta for £24 quid yesterday so im kinda distracted with that atm.