Maths Library (Any good ones?)


Advanced Member
Jul 18, 2003
Manchester, UK
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Does anyone have any experience with a maths library that supports vectors, matrices and quaternions and has pretty decent optimizations for NEON and SSE? I typically roll me own as required, but I currently feel like I'd like an off the shelf solution which is fast, reliable and free. Eigen is often the most mentioned one, and the software license these days is a bit nicer, I am a little put off by the size of it (although not enough not to give it a try), I understand it supports NEON/SSE, although just how optimized it is, it isn't clear to me.

I'm doing some experiments with CPU skinning at the moment, so have a reasonable test case for an improved library!

Anyone got any first hand knowledge/experience?
Maybe there is something you can use in the dependencies of Sage. I remember compiling lots of math libraries for Sage.
I took a look at Eigen, but the NEON optim are close to 0, at least on vertex / matrix math use for GL. I havn't looked at the quaternion part of it.

You can look at GLM also. I don't think NEON helps much too, but it's an interesting approach (but C++ only), and I found it easier to use then Eigen.
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