Mass Ordering


Still Fresh
Mar 5, 2009
When the final product is produced, will we be able to order whenever and have it shipped, or is the pandora going to be done in batches and first come first serve always? :ph34r:
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logically you would assume any spares from first batch would be used to promote the Pandora to the press.

From the second batch you will probably see sufficient order quantities made with the suppliers to meet batch orders as well as have loads of spare stock.

So you have a choice - either get the first batch orders in quick or wait till second batch when more stock will be in (which potentially could be few months off yet)
The buzz from the first batch will probably be used to plump up the demand for further production.

Assuming the first batch gets out of the door without any major hassles and delivers on it's promis of a strong handheld device people all over will be looking to get a hold of it. The quantities for the start will be low because They didnt make any money on the first batches but once they have enough to actally create a surplus of systems they can start selling them to retailers and then take actual profits to put towards larger production runs.

and, y'know, boxes, because people apparently want those too. :p
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A few months ago, before che bank problems, there were talks of having preorders for batch 1 and 2, sending part of batch 2 to resellers and keeping a stock from batch 3 onwards. Somewhere deep in the forum there should be something about it.

Of course the bank problems may have changed everything.
oh okay. I was simply wondering cause I am looking for a portable (have a psp, 5.00 m33) but that just doesn't cut the mustard. So, I was looking into maybe the Pandora or a Nokia N810. Both look great (and maybe I'll get both!), but I just wanted to know if I'd be on a backlist or if there was stock. Thanks :)
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