Mario Rpg Lotss


Still Fresh
Aug 27, 2006
I bought gp2x earlier this month.
Ive tested a few roms and different emulators. So far nothing has worked. My main reason of purchasing a gp2x was to play this game >_>
If anyone can help me I would appreciate it :P
Azalin posted on Aug 27 2006 at 07:22 PM said:
From what i heard, the LotSS cartridge had a seperate CPU in it 4x more powerful than what was on the SNES. That would emulate.

runs on zSnes and snes9x maybe someday on GP2x :P

... not this year....

... nor next year either....

but maybe someday! :D
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Shikaku posted on Aug 28 2006 at 08:13 AM said:
jmetal88 posted on Aug 27 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
ydderf45 posted on Aug 27 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
it runs on the old nksnes but really slow

It doesn't run on the new NKsnes then?

I'm pretty sure it would be quite easy to try...
But then we could fail. I say we all throw our gp2x's into a giant bonfire.
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Shikaku posted on Aug 27 2006 at 05:13 PM said:
jmetal88 posted on Aug 27 2006 at 06:11 PM said:
ydderf45 posted on Aug 27 2006 at 04:56 PM said:
it runs on the old nksnes but really slow

It doesn't run on the new NKsnes then?

I'm pretty sure it would be quite easy to try...

I can't, as I just sold my GP2X and shipped it off today.

I'll buy another one whenever they announce the special edition colored ones are out, or that they won't be coming out.

Until then, I bought a cheap semi-broken portable DVD player and a set of those Virtual Theatre goggles so that I can watch it without the LCD.
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whoa man, that's pretty sweat... I might think to do that with my computer as it has many plugs and outlets that aren't typically on computers and stuff. Imagine how wierd people would think you were in public with those suckers!