Mario 64 Minigames High Scores

where abouts are the rabbits? I can't find them anywhere. I've looked at the front of the castle. Where the boos are and inside but i can't find them. Where are they?
Ganepark32 posted on Dec 26 2004 at 12:42 PM said:
where abouts are the rabbits? I can't find them anywhere. I've looked at the front of the castle. Where the boos are and inside but i can't find them. Where are they?
As Yoshi there are at least 3, if not 4 at the castle front. Power off the DS, continue your game, they are at the castle entrance.

As Mario there are two in the basement (you need 12 stars). Seems the old rabbit who gave you a star has now gone.

The mini-games turned out to be fairly amusing. I play Bob-omb Squad and Mario Slides the most, but really I have played the main game more. It's awesome, if hard to control at times. I've noticed a lot of additions, such as graphical improvements, inexplicable blocks everywhere, the power flower, star buttons, extra worlds... add that to the fact I last completed Mario 64 a few years ago, and it's like playing a whole new game. I'd still like to play an actual NEW Mario game... and supposedly one is coming out. Yay!
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My wife got like 500-something on the "Wanted!" game... I can't get more than 20 on that one... they keep giving me Luigi to look for and then filling the screen with Yoshi's... BASTARDS!

For anyone who doesnt' know, each character has their own specific set of rabbits to find in the castle. You have to search all areas of the castle with each character to find them all. This includes the outdoor areas as well. The rabbits for each character will only show up when you are playing as that character. Pay attention to the colors as they will be different colored rabbits for each character.
I know. my highscore on wanted is 23. Its bloody hard when the picture you want moves across the screen and ends up behind loads of others so u can't get it and the clock runs down. On luigi's poker, im still playing and i have 120 coins and my high score on bob-omb slingshot is 71200 but that was hard cause the screen fills up with to many bob-ombs.
wee i got better at the slalom game !

13:73 !!!

mario's sort or splode = 201
yoshi's hide and boo peak = 12
bomb-omb squad = 54600

im so proud of my slalom score XD
lakitu launce (the game where you fire the red shells into the big green shells)

33 !!!! *shock* i got more shells than there are seconds to play XD
hide and boo seek;5
puzzle panel;2
boom box;2
toy box shuffle;12
which wiggler;4
mix a mug;2
puzzle panic;2
mario's slides;4
bounce and pounce;8
sort or splode;41
trampoline time;5
shuffle shell;400
bounce and trounce;13
connect the characters;3
shell smash;11710
trampoline terror;6100
memory match;24
pair a gone;10
mario slot;2
pair a gone and on;322
memory master;10
bob-omb squad;52400
snowball slalom;20"00
psyche out;3
lakitu launch;7
intense coincentration;5
giant snowball slalom;40"00
GBA, on wanted, holy crap, how did you get over 200, I got up to 102 and choked because the ADD was setting in and was getting bored.
Well I was in bed when i started playing :P
First 10 , and I thougt i will stop when I geth to 50.
50 became 100 , 100 became 150 , 150 became 200 ect.
In level 241 i was to tired to continue :P
So i stopt.
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Can someone please tell me how the hell I get into course five (Big Boo one)?

I seem to have forgoten over the past five years.
I also got confused about this. After getting all 8 red coins from the boos in the courtyard (go through door from the main castle room, then straight ahead - sure you know this already) I believe if you come back, one of the boos is much larger than the others. Kill him and he drops a carousel thing which sucks you into the stage.

If not try going there as Mario. I haven't gone in as Yoshi, so perhaps it's not possible for your first visit.
517 on wanted last night , this morning and this afternoon XD my DS has only been in sleep LOL , i lost it when i was on the bus , went over a speed bump, hand twitched the screen m all my time went ;_;
Is there a quick way to see what the game's called?

My best high scores are probs:

Bob-omb Squad - 61300
Trampoline Terror - 15400
Shell Smash - **New high score<41880>** Hoorey:D
Tox Box Shuffle - 25 <-Just got bored and gave up on this one, you get used to it and it stays the same difficulty after a few rounds.

I think they're the games I'm playing most. Just unlocked Sort of 'splode though, got 103 on that so far.

I've only had it for a day or 2 and had work so only had a proper chance to have a go at them during my breaks :) (that's my excuse incase the scores are lame).