I think it's all quite on-topic

. Learning your first computer language is quite a hill to climb, so it's probably a good idea to look around and find one that you like the look of. I bet that now you've learned one you could pick up others much more easily. My original point was that you should learn your first language in a nice warm comfy environment like VC++ because jumping straight into GP32 coding adds a few extra complications.
Functions are called functions in C and in C++
Just for fun, note the similarities between your program and the same thing in C. The differences are mainly:
1) namespaces are a feature of C++, but not of C
2) I don't know what the <summary></summary> stuff does, but C doesn't have it.
3) If you don't include a prototype for a function, you must include the function body before any calls to it (that's a subtle one, don't worry too much about it).
4) Inside a string, the '\' character is an escape, which you can use to put control characters in the string- eg. \r is carriage return, \t is tab etc. Because of this, if you want the actual character '\' in your string, you have to put \\
5) printf doesn't put a carriage return at the end of a line, you have to put \n if you want that.
#include <stdio.h> /* similar to "using System;" */
/* Include the function bodies before main() which is where they're called from */
static void FunkyOne (void)
printf ("//1\\\\\n"); /* prints "//1\\" and moves to the next line */
static void FunkyTwo (void)
printf ("//2\\\\\n"); /* prints "//2\\" and moves to the next line */
static void FunkyThree (void)
printf ("//3\\\\\n"); /* prints "//3\\" and moves to the next line */
/* The main entry point for the application */
void main ( int argc, char *argv[])
int ch; /* need this for later */
printf ("Welcome to the Funky Functions!\n");
ch = getchar(); /* get a key from the keyboard */
} while (ch != '\n'); /* loop around until the key is [enter]. */