The Big Wad Bolf.

Mappy-land review
A dark alley, deep in a lonely city. Speedy traffic can be heard rumbling through the dank air of corruption. A sound as loud as thunder, a dustbin clanks at the back door of the Delinquency Motel. You can feel the crime in the air. It’s like cling film wrapped around your mugshot. But this aint no sandwich time buster, it’s the time of the Micro Police! The raid is on, I approached the joint quietly. Suddenly I abandoned all caution, kicked open the Cat Flap and ran in guns ablazing……..
Cat Flap I hear you say? Must be a small cop! So what’s all this about, read on B)
Mappy was a smart game that was released around 1983. It stared a cute little mouse who was part of a squad called the ‘Micro Police’. It’s a sort platformer with trampolines and was very fun indeed. Years later in 1988, Mappy Land was born to the NES, and this is what I’m reviewing today!

This is Mappy the mouse, He’s a Micro Police Mouse, but has a new agenda that has dragged him away from his normal mousey police work. He must collect cheese for his girlfriend, then eventually some other things such as a wedding ring for Mapico His girlfriend and things for Mappy Jr’s Birthday Party :blink:

Evil evil evil evil. This guy will do anything to anyone for a laugh. Miffed at getting his ass kicked in the original Mappy game, Goro has sent all hell on a donkey in a feeble attempt stuff up Mappy and Mopico’s wedding. Goro was once a normal law abiding citizen, but then he turned mentalist and started lopping peoples heads off and using them as coffee pots. They used to call him the decaffeinated decapitator! He had a nice cappuccino joint too

Mewkies are just some of Goro’s minions. Little fluffy cats that will scram and bite and generally annoy the flippin heck out of you. These are generally your primary enemies in the game.
It’s a very colourful game, kinda cartoonist. The sprites are well animated and the action is smooth. My only criticism is that now and then you can get lost in the complex backdrops, but it’s rare and doesn’t affect the game.

I think the author must have overdosed on piano lessons as the tunes are nice and catchy. General game sounds fit the mood and are what you would expect from a NES game
Sound [ 6/10 ]
Game Play
The game itself it first looks like your average platformer. It has the obligatory platforms and ladders, but it also has trampolines. The bouncy wonders are a major part of the game, use them skilfully and you will be on the winning streak. Don't jump on one too often though, as they snap and you will plummet to you’re your doom, assumingly to a well concealed mouse trap somewhere off screen.
Dotted around the screen are objects that you can use in your quest for glory. Little hooks that wiz you to the end of a platform knocking the stuffing out of enemies in the process, and proximity bombs are just two of the items at your disposal.
One level reminds me of Donkey Kong Jr. Where you have to climb vines and jump on moving platforms, the game is surprisingly diverse.
Game Play [ 9/10 ]
A clever platformer that will have you coming back for more. Cute graphics and adequate sound. The game runs well on the ‘Little John’ NES emulator, and is a right romp
Overall Score [ 8.2/10 ]