MAME4All Favorites

Captain Commando (my personal favourite)
You, sir, have good taste. :P Just curious, here, have you by any chance heard "Crime Jungle", the vocal rendition of the first stage's music, as performed by Alph-Lyla (Capcom's in-house band, who were responsible for a lot of their games' music at the time) at Game Music Festival Live 1992?
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Madam, I can assure you that I have not heard of this! I'm going to have to hunt for it now, TO THE INTERNET!
My favorite:


In no specific order:

- 1943

- Galaxians

- Bubble Bobble

- Bomb Jack

- R-Type II
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I just found a game that I never encountered on all of my arcade journeys over the last 3 decades, Pac & Pal. Not an all time favorite, but just an interesting spin on regular Pac Man, whereas Ms. Pac Man was much more enjoyable in my book. I also enjoyed Super Pac Man and Jr. Pac Man, and the Pac Man (was it Baby Pac Man?) that had the pinball machine built in, that rocked, but that is one thing the Pandora can't emulate.
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A couple of obscure ones I just had fun with:


[dead link to romsite removed]

Combat meets Berserk, a very zippy game.

Radical Radial


How had I never heard of this game? You control a "War Wheel" spinning wheel of death in a game eerily reminiscent of the much later LED Storm (albeit with the first two levels reversed - RR starts in a canyon level then moves to the futuristic city.
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My latest love, Great 1000 Miles Rally Evolution edition.

I completed it yesterday, the end text has a :-) face, could this possibly be the earliest appearance in an arcade game?
Take a look at Xybots


This is a fun maze crawl/shooter. Can't wait to get the tv out and try this game multi player.
Just put a sound sample in Berzerk, much fun in stretch mode even if it sound isn't 100% perfect, it is still a joy to hear.
My favs, in no particular order:






Robotron 2084



My contribution is a bit narrow (vertical shooter junkie) but here goes:

Aero Fighters 2/Sonic Wings 2

Aero Fighters 3/Sonic Wings 3

Armed Police Batrider


Battle Bakraid

Captain Tomaday

Change Air Blade



Dangun Feveron




Dragon Blaze

ESP Ra.De.

Final Star Force

Giga Wing

Gunbird 1 & 2


Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting

Mazinger Z

Sengoku Ace

Strikers 1945 III

Twinkle Star Sprites

Vasara 1 & 2

By no means a definitive selection, just some personal favourites,

Hope that helps,

Sorry about the missing screenshots, no upload quota left.
Hey...yo...these all work on MAME4ALL???

Or is this PanMAME stuff?