Recomended Games ?


Still Fresh
Mar 30, 2003
Hi all,

I've just got my GP32 today and joined your community.

What would you recommend I try first on my GP32 ? once I figure out how to use it to impress my friends.

Thanks very much :huh:
Her Knights is a pretty good side scrolling fighting game, and its in english, so that one is pretty good.

Theres also Astonisha Story R, its an rpg with good graphics, but its in korean. :(
GET SMS0.5 the Game Gear roms play a lot better than the SMS ones. the emulator is so good - so many classics like sonic. i fail to see how Gameboy beat the Gamegear back int he day.
Gristy posted on Mar 30 2003 said:
I fail to see how Gameboy beat the Gamegear back in the day.
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back to the topic, there aren't many good games out but I'm sure you could impress your friends with the emus and roms
Just fire up the GPengine with some arcade classics like Rtype, afterburner, paradous etc. etc. PCengine games look excellent and are often better than the megadrive/genesis version.
