Mame Gp32 Wip 07/09/2005


Aug 22, 2004

I'm not very occupied now with MAME GP32, because i'm trying to start a new
*secret* project... I'm still investigating some things...

But about MAME GP32:

- Reesy is integrating DrZ80 core in MAME GP32. It seems he has some problems,
and i don't know when he will solve them and also i don't know when Reesy will
release Dr80 source code and he will approve the release of the new MAME GP32
with Drz80 ASM ARM core included.

- TheGrimReaper has done a lot of improvements in the frontend: Change
joystick and buttons controls configuration for each of the games, analog controls
settings, delete roms, reverse joystick directions, etc. I will add these
improvements in the next MAME GP32 version.

- I will try to add support for new games (code taken from later MAME versions).
Maybe Gals Panic, Tumble Pop, Super Pang, Rod Land, Sichuan 2, Son of Phoenix,
etc... But i don't know if i will have success with this, all depends on GP32 memory
size and game driver requirements. I have already discarded some tested games:
Robocop, Rainbow Islands, Last Duel, Toki, Tiger Road (definitively there is not
enough memory on GP32 for these drivers, sorry :-( ).

Nothing more yet. Also to get money from August Gp32x Developer Clicks
(thank you for all your clicks and also to i have opened a PayPal
account, and i have added a paypal button on the webpage. If someone wants to
do a donation, you know where to go...

Thanks and regards.
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Thanks for your work Franxis, super pang would be a great game to have on mame GP32 :)

Now your going to have people guessing what your secret project is...
Cool thanks.

You mentioned that you may add games with code from later versions.

Would it be possible to add the games that have no sound from later versions of code too? They are old games like Zaxxon etc so they should run well.

Thanks again for everything :)
DaveC posted on Sep 7 2005 at 12:30 AM said:
Would it be possible to add the games that have no sound from later versions of code too?  They are old games like Zaxxon etc so they should run well.

I feel a deja vu... :D
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Franxis posted on Sep 6 2005 at 08:04 PM said:

I'm not very occupied now with MAME GP32, because i'm trying to start a new
*secret* project... I'm still investigating some things...
That's like exactly what Yoyo said about openSNES! :o

'Still spending most of my coding time on the *secret* project ;-)
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Great news! MAME is one of my favorite things for the GP32 ...

* Wonders if Franxis will be able to port it to the GPX2 *
shinneri posted on Sep 7 2005 at 02:47 AM said:
Franxis posted on Sep 6 2005 at 08:04 PM said:

I'm not very occupied now with MAME GP32, because i'm trying to start a new
*secret* project... I'm still investigating some things...
That's like exactly what Yoyo said about openSNES! :o

'Still spending most of my coding time on the *secret* project ;-)

Yoyo was coding on his "secret project" it was just that it was on a different system ;)
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Franxis posted on Sep 7 2005 at 12:37 AM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 7 2005 at 12:30 AM said:
Would it be possible to add the games that have no sound from later versions of code too?  They are old games like Zaxxon etc so they should run well.

I feel a deja vu... :D

Well I figured since you were grabbing some newer drivers out there you could also get newer versions that emulate the sound. Some of the best classics like Zaxxon, the Exide games, and super classic Donkey kong series would benefit.

I can't be the ONLY one that likes playing games with sound. Am I?
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I can't be the ONLY one that likes playing games with sound. Am I?

Surely not, if I cannot play it with sound (more importantly music than sound) I don't play it at all. Sound is an essential part of every game for me. I am positive there are many people around who need the sound :)
Well done Franxis, you're doing great work on MameGP32!
I'm really looking forward to being able to adjust buttons, this will make some games far more playable.

As for deleting roms, I hope people don't get confused when using this feature, and delete roms they shouldn't. I seem to remember (though correct me if I'm wrong) that some clones need to load original romsets. So you may have a working clone but non-working original, and delete the original without realising the clone needed it...
Like I said, I might be wrong there but I seem to remember that happening a few times years ago when I first got into Mame around '98.

I know you've got all sorts of requests, but I'd like to make a suggestion that I think would be fairly easy to implement:
Is it possible to 'hide' roms in the main list? That is, not actually delete them, but remove them from the list? I have a nice full set of roms but many clones I don't play, so if I could hide them in the list I would have a core list of working, non-duplicated roms.

Hope that makes sense!

Anyway, again thank you so much for your hard work on Mame. It's a fantastic piece of work.
WhiteFalcon posted on Sep 7 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
I can't be the ONLY one that likes playing games with sound.  Am I?

Surely not, if I cannot play it with sound (more importantly music than sound) I don't play it at all. Sound is an essential part of every game for me. I am positive there are many people around who need the sound :)

Not at all for me. Of course i would prefer sound/music to a game but i was brought up on old arcade games with hardly any sound, playing in arcades on holiday where you couldnt hear the noise (as there were 20 other arcade machines in the same place) and home computers back then which didnt have tons of sound.

Yeah i would want sound but if its a case of being able to play a game without sound or not even play it at all i would like to play it even if it doesnt have sound.

Gameplays #1 followed by sound.
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psj3809 posted on Sep 8 2005 at 12:04 PM said:
WhiteFalcon posted on Sep 7 2005 at 03:56 PM said:
I can't be the ONLY one that likes playing games with sound.  Am I?

Surely not, if I cannot play it with sound (more importantly music than sound) I don't play it at all. Sound is an essential part of every game for me. I am positive there are many people around who need the sound :)

Not at all for me. Of course i would prefer sound/music to a game but i was brought up on old arcade games with hardly any sound, playing in arcades on holiday where you couldnt hear the noise (as there were 20 other arcade machines in the same place) and home computers back then which didnt have tons of sound.

Yeah i would want sound but if its a case of being able to play a game without sound or not even play it at all i would like to play it even if it doesnt have sound.

Gameplays #1 followed by sound.

But it is not a choice between gameplay OR sound. All it would take is a newer version of the driver that had sound emulated to be ported and then you can have BOTH that is the point. And it IS important to some of us to the point that we won't bother playing a silent game. I have tried it many times but I just can't do it. It just looses too much.
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Gotta agree with DaveC on this.....sound is absolutely integral to the original game. Without it, you're not playing the game as intended, and all the atmosphere is lost.

It's like trying to put up with completely wrong colour schemes on early MAME builds of your favourite arcade game.............

Don't get me wrong - I think the latest version of MAME on GP32 is incredible, but for me accurate sound is just as essential as getting the speed up to scratch.

If I knew ARM ASM (or MAME) I'd try and help, but my current coding abilities comes from my job (IBM Z/OS HLA assembler and COBOL) and a bit of 68000 I did in the late 80s on my Amiga :unsure:
it's been said a bit and deserves repeating, I think most gamers would agree - sound is the least essential component in the playability of these games. that's not to take away from their importance, yes the audio experience is truly the icing on the cake for most games. without it, they often feel like they are missing something. growing up, i seldom played any console game with the colume turned down.

but with portable gaming, I usually prefer to leave the sound off, I find. I guess cause I am doing something else at the same time, or in an environment where it's not very conduicive to that level of immersion. Same with my GBA, actually.

Yes, that's just me, but I see many others play portable games that way as well. anyway, that being said, if sound support must be sacrifieced in lieu of more games/better speed, etc - then you won't see me shedding a tear. But it's always nice to have the option there, anyway.

for you sound-heads.. if you are concerned with the more "authentic" experience, why not play on a PC emulator? That way you can hook up an arcade joystick and all of that. I know, I know.. we all want to have our cake and eat it too.. it's true. anyway, there's my two cents.

Anyway I would hope that Franxis/grimreaper wouldn't totally beat themselves over the head about it ("there's no sound, the gamers will be soooo disappointed") - where Mame is at on GP32, right now, is what I have been waiting for, for years, and I am more than happy with just that much.. which is a lot!

ralp99 posted on Sep 8 2005 at 09:22 PM said:
Yes, that's just me, but I see many others play portable games that way as well. anyway, that being said, if sound support must be sacrifieced in lieu of more games/better speed, etc - then you won't see me shedding a tear. But it's always nice to have the option there, anyway.

for you sound-heads.. if you are concerned with the more "authentic" experience, why not play on a PC emulator? That way you can hook up an arcade joystick and all of that. I know, I know.. we all want to have our cake and eat it too.. it's true. anyway, there's my two cents.

Anyway I would hope that Franxis/grimreaper wouldn't totally beat themselves over the head about it ("there's no sound, the gamers will be soooo disappointed") - where Mame is at on GP32, right now, is what I have been waiting for, for years, and I am more than happy with just that much.. which is a lot!


It is not that you need to choose one or the other. That was the point. It is common for the sound to get ignored in emulation for some reason. Many coders feel that it is good enough to have graphics on the screen and the controls working. I say that it is only a partial emulator and incomplete if a big part of the experience is left out (sound). If the sound is there guys like you can always shut it off, or put it on at will. If sound is not emulated guys like me have no choice except silence so having sound is best because at least the option is there. Games that are silent to me don't count as having them as I don't play them. So adding 10 more silent games is the same as adding 0 games to me.

PC? Meh. The nice thing about the GP32 is that not only is it portable but many times more convenient to just grab and turn on and play a few old games for a quick blast without having to go and boot up a computer.

Yes it is great what we have. It is also too bad that some of the best classics are doomed to silence though. These aren't obscure arcade games no one has heard of they are games like Zaxxon, Berzerk, Pepper II, Venture, Donkey kong, Phoenix, Space Invaders etc some big classics. It is kind of like a teaser, it's there and you can see the picture but no you can't have the whole experience.

I am just hopeful that some l337 coder will come out of the fog like Grimreaper did to help with MAME and add the sound someday.
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