Mame Emulator?

Xcade maybe

¿Pienso que el xcade trabajaría yo no estoy seguro aunque. Esto es una traducción que obtuve de un sitio web que espero tiene sentido??
It is not fully possible, Mame now require high end hardware as there are 3D games or ones with complex graphics. Still old games could me emulated, and they are. There is a restricted version of Mame that emulates only 8080 games for GP32.
blipped4 posted on Feb 2 2004 at 01:32 AM said:
There is 3d hardware though.And before you say i know doom is not 3d its 2d.
3D games were just an example, with a CPS 2 game it will be the same issue. It runs slowly on a pentium 2 300 MHz, so do not even think about it. CPS 1 should be possible though and certainly many others.
There is also the memory problem, many mame games require very much memory.
To sum up mame is absolutely not optimized as it is mainly build to be a generic emulation engine. This is why we should look on smaller arcade emulators.

edit: spelling
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blipped4 posted on Feb 2 2004 at 01:32 AM said:
There is 3d hardware though.And before you say i know doom is not 3d its 2d.
blipped4 could you do us mortals a favour and try to at least translate your divine thoughts into something we might possibly understand? Thanks ;)
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raven posted on Feb 2 2004 at 01:59 AM said:
blipped4 posted on Feb 2 2004 at 01:32 AM said:
There is 3d hardware though.And before you say i know doom is not 3d its 2d.
blipped4 could you do us mortals a favour and try to at least translate your divine thoughts into something we might possibly understand? Thanks ;)
He's saying that the Doom graphic engine is not a real 3D engine. In fact it is a 3D engine but a rather simple one, just one fixed point of view, not many textured polygons, 2D monsters.
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That part I understood (but thanks for trying to help out), I just don't understand what he meant with 'there is 3d hardware though'.

If you look at the post he responded to the conversation would be:
Damaki: Mame now require high end hardware as there are 3D games or ones with complex graphics.
Blipped4 (responding): There is 3d hardware though.

That, in my mind, just didn't (and doesn't) make any sense. And I am not trying to get on his case, just really don't understand what he wanted to say with that.
blah blah blah. ok, anyway...

It would be cool to see some more Mame games running on this thing, we all know that. I think it's been pretty well agreed-upon that the furthest it will likely go is the sega 16-bit arcade hardware (if that). Already we've seen capcom CPS-1 running (well in examples, not downloadable yet...) I don't care, if we see a port that runs a bunch of the early and mid-eighties games then that would just be really damned cool. The 3D stuff wouldn't be very missed!

I predict we'll not see a port for awhile yet. Hopefully we will, and if it's gonna happen well it will be this year - but I bet not for some months yet. Interestingly, we are coming up on the one-year anniversary of the first time pics were shown of fMame running... it's frustrating, but patience pays off (if not, well then at least mame will be ported to SOME kinda portable.. sooner or later.. besides PDA's...)

just hang in there, meantime, and enjoy openSnes and fGen + etc...
It would be fantastic to see MAME and all it's Neo-Geo loveliness.

However, it's something that would need some serious assembler. I can't see porting coming to much fruition.

Additionally, you have the problem that the ROM image, with emulators, typically has to be loaded into RAM in order to be used. Not a huge commodity here. And Neo-Geo ROMS ain't tiny. It's possible the memory card may provide fast enough seek/access in that this is rendered unnecessary, but the game itself is created to read the data from a ROM, and expects everything to be where it would be on the ROM. Therefore, the image would have to be in one contiguous block on the memory card.

So has anyone with four brains got a few months handy? :P
I've said it before and I'll say it again - you don't need NeoGeo emulation, 3D or anything like that to have a version of MAME that supports hundreds of older, outstanding games.

If this ever pegs up, then there's very little else I could ask for on this machine.
That was believed to be a fake as pirotic kept claiming he was going to release a beta to a few people, but never did. Pirotic then disappeared from the gp32 scene (much to everyones relief).