Mame .106 Or 106.2


Dec 23, 2007
what rom set is for the pandora mame .106? is it the .106 rom set or the .106u2 romset?
Since the MAME version is 0.106, then logic dictates that that's the set it uses. :p
yeah but if you look on the appstore at the download and info page it says 106.2 so im not sure if that means rom set .106u2 or if its just a 106.2 version of the emulator.
Possibly emu version.

I know a full 106 romset will differ but I have happily made use of far older romsets without issue, contrary to others experiences, so you don´t have to be specific, though some games will obviously be lacking from older sets.

Enjoy your Mame on Pandora.

Eventually a Mame arcade cabinet will be as big as the controls, speakers and screen, so you can spend more time playing than building it for other folk who can be arsed to bother to play it after all the hassle.

Good and a shame at the same time, like when credits to continue came in and made games about cash and not skill.

Pandora mk2 will feature a ´quarter slot´ that renders all save states and memory card saving void. Then we can attract the game history giants and have a re-union.
Yeah but the OPT has already mentioned it's pretty tight in there, space-wise. So how many quarters can you stuff in there before something shorts out? a buck fifty? :rolleyes: