Making New Bor Mod Snk Vs Capcom. Help/opinions!

There are lots of things to consider with this mod:

-Where will you get the backgrounds from? The SvC levels with the best music in my opinion, Green of Forest and Power Generation Room, would be the hardest to try to make a level out of. Station Obselete could be easily converted to a level but that would be insanely drab, personally.

-Who WON'T be in? I think you should use almost everyone but there are a few here and there that would be of little point. Goddess Athena and Red Arremer would be kinda hard to reconvert into beat-em-up characters and to my memory, their sprites are more pixelated. Mars People and MM's Zero are far too off the deep end to fit the setting well unless you want a failed genetic experiment and a security droid respectively. Everyone else is fair game. The "magic" characters like Demitri and the "ancient but time warped" characters like Genjuro could be used for the same level with the ancients being "revived from DNA samples" coughjurassicparkcough. Serious Mr.Karate and Shin Akuma are, duh, more powerful versions of Mr.Karate and Akuma. This begs the question...
-How are sprite sets handled in BOR mods? I've only played briefly and I've never made a mod myself. Are palette swaps truly alterations in the palette of one single sprite set or are they unique routines? If they are unique, that opens up a massive number of possibilities of varying moves. I doubt that it's handled that way though, since it would be murder on the CPU and RAM. At the same time there will still be tons of options in palette swaps and naming choices. The obvious ones would be to use the US and Japanese names as two different characters with the Japanese characters taking on the 2P color. This couldn't be done with Balrog/M.Bison/Vega due to the three way switch though you could still use "Mike" as an alternate for Balrog. Last names could also be used for some 2P palette swaps (ex. Ms.Todo, Mr.Masters)

-Will the "real" names for the characters show up first in the mod or would they be the last version that you fight and you fight the alternates first?

-I'm liking the thought of using Chun Li (Spinning Bird Kick and Lightning Kick) and Sagat (Tiger Uppercut and Tiger Knee) but I'm starting to think that Terry would be a better choice than Kyo. If going off the story idea that I posted, Terry has a connection to Geese like how Chun Li has a connection to M.Bison. Gameplay could allow him to have the Power Geyser as his emergency move and the Burning Knuckle as his F, F, Attack special move.

-Level ideas (in no specific order): Karate level (Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Ryo, Mr.Karate), Mystic Level (Tessa, Demitri, Goenitz, Earthquake, Shiki, Genjuro), Air Assault level (Kim, Guile, Mai, Vega, Choi), Rough Street level (Kyo, Iori, Kasumi, Balrog, Dhalsim), Final Base (all levels combined plus Geese, M.Bison, Dan, and the various evil/powered up versions of characters)

-My idea for Dan would give him only enough defense to take one hit but insane attack. His emergency move and/or his special would be 1 hit KOs.

-Tabasco: A palette swap of Tessa with carmelized ("mexican") skin, green hair, and a red and yellow color scheme for clothes.

-Charile and Nash: Palette swaps for Guile using Charlie's color scheme and Guiles 2P color.

-Boman: A palette swap for Balrog with white clothes/blue trim and blonde hair.
Characters I would recommend:

Kibigami Genjuro, Heavy
Kim Kaphwan - All rounder, like you stated in first post
Shiki - Weak but fast.

I know they're all SNK fighters but what the hell. :)

Tessa would make a brilliant female on Capcom side.
Can you even get the various animations of these characters? I dont think all these guys have had their sprites ripped yet. :unsure:

Are the demoralizations fight capable or do they just stand there for a couple of seconds like a stun? if so you could choose from them for a female sprite.
Very thanks Zamuel (& others) for your opinions & coments. It is helping a lot! ;)
About the demoralizations and such i think that these "shemale" characters only have a couple of animated frames so i can't make a char with only that (i'm not an artist). I'm wrong and they can walk, punch, fall in "shemale" mode? How?
About Zamuel post:
-Who WON'T be in? Goddess Athena, Mars People, MM's Zero, and maybe Genjuro (He cheats using a sword! :D ) won't be in. All others chars may be in but i must think in several limits of BOR_Engine (Memory ram for GP32 & MAX_SPRITE_LIMIT_2000 = Maximum of 2000 frames/unique sprites for all items/chars/enemys animations.)
For this reason i will only use MR.Karate/Akuma or Serious.MR.Karate/Shin Akuma instead)
- About your question: how BOR handled sets sprites & palletes? Sorry i don't understand very well your question/explanation (i'm spanish and my english is not good at all and i don't know anything about programing/mugen).
But i will tell you how BOR work with chars/sprites/palletes:
#) In BOR all sprites (items/chars/enemys) are made with a unique master_pallete of 128 colours (you can define this 128 colours but they must be the same for all sprites).
In adition, Background/panels/front pannels are made with a pallete of 256 colours (first 128 colours mut be your Master_pallete and next 128 colours are defined by you. Betwen differents levels you can change these 128 variable colours for background).
#) You can make as many remaps/shadows/clones of your characters/enemys as you wish. You only need the same frame/sprite (onle 1 is needed) with original colors and the same frame/sprite (onle 1 is needed) with new colours of your whished "2p costume"and BOR engine will build a colour map tablet from this second frame/sprite.
When you spawn an enemy (in level1.txt for example) you can define his alias (whished name) and colours map so you can spawn a enemy (KEN) named KENETHEW with red costume, other KEN named BEN with white costume, other KEN named RONALDO with black costume, other KEN named JOE MONTANA with purple costume, etc... without any memory waste (because they all are the same enemy, in fact, KEN)
The bad part of Bor Engine is that if you want a KEN with a Shoryuken move and another KEN but with hadoken move (without Shoryuken move) you must "declare" this second ken as a new character (even if these two kens have, less or more, the same animations/frames.). This consume too much memory/frames (remember the MAX_FRAME_LIMIT_2000) So is better make one ken with Shoryuken and one Ryu with Hadoken (at last you have more enemys graphic variety this way)
#) About levels design.... i'm truly bad with this so if someone thinks of a game with nice backgrounds that can fit well in this mod tell me. THX!

PD: Sorry if i don't make any sense with this "explanation". Is easy for me to read English but hard to write it well :(
Actually, you explained yourself very well. I figured it was just one master set.

-So you'll know, the sex changes come from Demitri's super Midnight Bliss. Basically, it comes from the thought process that Dracula preyed upon fair maidens so in Dark Stalkers 3 (and thus SvC) they gave him a super that changed men into women or made the women "prettier" (like how Chun Li looks like a prostitute in that pose...). When he does the super he teleports towards his opponent carrying flowers growling "Marry me!" until he connects, they change into the forms you see on this page, he bows to them, then he changes to his demonic bat form, lifts them into the air, and then strangles them. There aren't any movement animations at all (after he strangles them, they change back to normal) but Hugo does have an entirely seperate form. Right now he looks like just a man with breast implants (which pokes fun at his manager, Poison) but when Demitri actually lifts Hugo, he changes to look completely female. The rest just have a "strangled" variant of the standing frame.

-I think Genjuro should be in. He does have kick attacks so the sword could only be used for his emergency and special moves. Besides, Shiki has sais, Earthquake has a blade, Choi and Vega have claws, and Tessa has two cats and a dragon.

-I'd love to help with the programming and level design but time and computer issues restrict me. Eventually, if possible, I might try to help and see if you can get me some of the sprites so I can create some new characters for KOF91.
When my mod will be finished you can extract all GFX, sprites, etc... and use it at your will. In fact, i only rip them... i don't make them ;) (a lot of Mugen creators get mad when you "stole" his work without permision... even with no edited sprites in it. So i rip all sprites by myself)
If you want these sprites with his true pallete (original pallete of SVC) just PM when i finish my mod.


PD: So, no "shemale" characters in my mod... <_<
As far as I am aware there has been no mention of Terry Bogard n e where, he is a flagship SNK character

Wot about Mars People (shouldnt of happened, guess they did it coz CAPCOM got ZERO)

good idea usind SVSCC, animation is better than the CVS series

And i know u sed SNKvsCAPCOM only but isthere n e chance of Matrimelee characters, its a new series and the animation is in the SNK style so itll fit to a tee, u cud put Jones or Poochi in just coz theyre cool!!!!

Wot about locations are you mocking em up in the same style or are u ripping and adjusting backgrounds,, u cud have a metal slug level with the mars people in

Oh and what names are u giving the characters, coz since i started playing SVCchaos ive been getting confused, i was brought up to believe that:

Was Vega


Was M. Bison


Was Balrog
Well this mod is not dead! :D
But i lost all my MAME/NEOGEO ROMS by a HD crash LOL :angry: so i need a little help with stages.
What i need are sugestions about games with nice backgrounds to rip:
1) First Stage: Dojo style - Example: Art of fighting 1 - Todo Stage/ SF Champions Edition - Ryu Stage
2) Street Stage: Final Figh - Level 1/ Mutation nation - Level 1
3) Cavern Stage?
4) Building Stage?
Etc, etc, etc...

All sugestions are greatly welcome.

PD: For now i've make Ryu, Dan, Ryo, Dhalshim, Perfect Mr.Karate (Boss) as enemys and Sagat as player character...
Final Fight 2 - the one with Chunners in the background.

Old MAME game - P.O.W. could be good for a "Guile" Stage

Streets of Rage 1 (Mame??) - the one with the flashing neon sign for the nightclub could be "Balrog" stage. Or if theres other vegas style ones floating about.....

Mame - Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom - fantasy stage could be "Blanka"(?)

I'm just thinking old school here... :)
Hokutoy posted on May 11 2004 at 04:10 PM said:
What i need are sugestions about games with nice backgrounds to rip:
1) First Stage: Dojo style - Example: Art of fighting 1 - Todo Stage/ SF Champions Edition - Ryu Stage
2) Street Stage: Final Figh - Level 1/ Mutation nation - Level 1
3) Cavern Stage?
4) Building Stage?
Etc, etc, etc...

All sugestions are greatly welcome.

PD: For now i've make Ryu, Dan, Ryo, Dhalshim, Perfect Mr.Karate (Boss) as enemys and Sagat as player character...
Been away for a while. You might want to check the Double Dragon and Streets of Rage games for BGs. I know that SOR2 has building stages (I love the elevator sequences) and one part in the deck of a ship that looks cavelike.

BTW, what special/emergency moves did you choose for the characters that you have done already?
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