Yeah, KDE4 seems like a very good possibility for the WM of choice on the Pandora. It looks beautiful, takes advantage of 3D, is fully featured, and lightweight in comparison to the earlier KDE3 builds. I was waiting for a stable release, thanks to the earlier poster for pointing out the 28th!
I bet some people will put KDE4 on, some XFCE, and I bet still others. If it's like any other Linux device it doesn't matter what GUI you have, it will just look different and affect the ease of use. In the end I think KDE4 will end up looking the best and taking up the least resources/space just because there are already people porting it to other handheld devices and we can borrow from them. The very nature of KDE4 makes it easier to scale to any screen, I think the KDE foundation thought of that ahead of time.
EDIT: Just another cool screenshot of what you can do with KDE4 on the neo1973 phone which have pretty much the same hardware specs.
We are talking fully-blown KDE4 here. It isn't just the look-pretty. It would solve alot of the issues we would have with writing a custom interface.
Especially things like Phonon and Solid will enable people to use the media backends and devices they want. So while notifications could sound out of the Pandora's headphone jack or speakers, you could hear just music through your bluetooth headhones. You could switch on-the-fly which device you output to, and which media engine you use. KDE4 is loaded with powerful multimedia and hardware functions that make it attractive for more than just its UI.
Much of the hardware management stuff is written into the KDE4 core already, ridding the development community of alot of the work.