make error, no such file or directory


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2013
I try to build a hard driver of my usb wifi.

I get this error, I can't fix it. I know little linux. I didn't know if it possible for me build a usb driver and make my usb wifi work on pandora.

The error shows:

/lib/modules/3.2.45/build: No such file or directory. Stop.
I just use the tool: C/C++/Py Development Tools

There is no build file folder in the /lib/modules/3.2.45/ directory. How to copy the build file? What files need in the build?

I found I also can not copy file in the directory. I must have something omit.
You'll need to have cdevtools PND on an ext2-formatted SD card to add files into it.

What specific driver are you trying to build?

Is there not already a kernel module available for it? See here for a list. (if so, open a terminal and type "sudo opkg update", then type "sudo opkg install kernel-module-{DRIVERNAME}")

I use this usb wifi. But pandora can't recognize it. 

I just download Code::Blocks.

And it still have the same error. I will follow freamon's advise. And have a try. 

I think I must need Pandora thing make it build. But I didn't know what.
If you want to build a kernel module you need the kernel sources and the .config from the current build.

I did a now pretty outdated tutorial about that. Better to send a request for the driver to be added into the next firmwareupdate to notaz or someone else who has a working build environment for the kernel stuff .