Major Question(for Me Anyways) Any Multiplayer?

It's not a big problem if you can't use normal and wifi card at the same time, I think you can use the NAND memory to store files, so you can have there the drivers/games that will use WIFI/web browser and so on...
furikuri posted on Sep 11 2005 at 09:47 AM said:
In the gpx2 suggestions someone asked about wifi and the reply was:

The Sdio Port won't get locked. This means that you'll be able to use a wifi SD card on the gpx2. This won't be supported at launch, but the commnunity will be able to make it work with linux and adapted drivers. Who knows? maybe it will be officially supported in a future firmware update. Multiplayer games will be doable then, even Internet multiplayer matches could be done...and if you know that the gp32 have an unoficial keyboard, imagine what the future may reserve to the gp2x.


that's my response! :P

And there's some kind of wifi sd cards that have a slot to place a normal cards in it.
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