Mains Power Supply. Does It Work?


Still Fresh
Dec 26, 2005
Hi All

Just received my GP2X for crimble and so far mostly so good but have a question about the mains power facility. Does anybody know if it supposed to work?

I have a generic ac / dc adaptor with switchable voltages. In accordance with what I have read I have switched this to run at 3v and with the polarity descrbed as "centre nagative".

I've never heard of that description before but what is what I assume to be the symbol -o)+ .

If I use it in this setting the screen just fills with lines and the speakers start buzzing .. needless to say I remove the adaptor immediately. If I set the polarity the other way -(o+ nothing happens.

Any information on this would be gratefully received.

never set the polarity the wrong way you can properly kill your unit.

-o)+ was right

does the unit still work even after you used the wrong polarity?

you need to make sure your PS is a 'regulated' one, so you know its delivering the voltage that you set it too, might be that its not getting enough

also should be over 1amp.
Hi mrsnature

Thanks for your reply.

Yes .. it still works .. :) phew!!

Not sure about the amperage as I've mislaid the instructions and I doubt it's regulated. I'll have a look for another unit in the shops and see if i can get one to match this specification.

Best regards
Hi again

I am looking at two regulated adaptors. One which delivers 1000 mAH @ 3v and one which delivers 1400mAH @ 3v.

Any idea which should be better? I notice you say "at least" 1 amp in your message.


When I use my adapter I have to have the voltage set at 4.5 to get my gp2x to work otherwise I just get the lines as you described.
Required power supply for the GP2x should be:

3 Volt
500 milliamps (At least)

Usually the mini barrel connector coloured yellow (not sure of the size).

Thanks for the feedback, the barrel is indeed yellow.

Tried upping the voltage to 4.5v and thn 6v and it actually booted up with both (6v was better, 4.5v was a bit halfway house-ish ) but there was interference on the display which kind of oscillated from top to bottom.

Perhaps I need to splash out on a regulated unit to ensure whatever I'm putting into the unit is stable rather than relying on an ASDA cheapy ;)
yeah, definitely go with regulated. I don't know if putting 6v through a 3.3v device will be ok in the long-run.
I just went to radio shack to try out some adaptors and found out that the 1 amp at 3v would not work but the 2 amp worked fine. Although it is bricked, so it could be drawing a load of power for no reason.

I would go with that 1.4 amp one Gerbil.

Now you guys tempt me to switch up the voltage on mine to see if it is really bricked.... but I don't think I will even dare being that my next step up is 5v. Plus I am 99.99% positive that it is bricked.
I'm using a 800 mhA generic power supply I got at Radio Shack, 3 volts.