Magic Leap's Augmented Reality technology

Suspicious of the 'retinal projection' business. It's a claim that's been abused before.

AR would be great for parties though. If everyone has a headset, you could have some amazing multiplayer stuff - like dogfights with little planes (should have an Atari VCS 'Combat' mode, with blocky clouds too..!), destruction derby cars on the table, 'paintball' indoors, lifesize bowling alley in the hall... and because it's AR nobody should knock over your vauables. Although they probably will anyway.
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It's interesting if they have really built an AR system that can effectively identify depth and layout, such as how that one in the video identified the desk as a place to put the pistols on, and identifyied the staggered ceiling and far wall as clear surfaces to fiddle about with.

I remember playing an AR game on a really old Siemens smartphone, which just presented a prerendered 3d overlap over the camera image and used the image tracking to aim.  In a very similar vein, Nintendo has Face Raiders on the 3DS which has the benefit of stereoscopic cameras, yet it still occasionally screws up and paints things on the corners of walls and things.
It's looking good, but I'd like to know if it's footage from a prototype or if it's just a video edit.

But between this and Microsoft's HoloLens, it looks like good AR might become a reality soon. But I'm still cautious, and I'll wait until there are actual products available to get really excited about this.