Macbook Pro Logic Board Repair - DIY


Hardcore Member
Jan 23, 2011
I have a 17" Macbook Pro which stopped working a while ago.  When you turn it on, the light at the front would go on and thats it, nothing on the screen no start up chime.  Took it to Apple and they said the Logic board was gone and it would cost $600 to replace.  Sad day.



Then I saw the follwoing video which said the problem with Logic Boards occurs mainly due to micro fractures in the solder on the chips .  The solution they showed was bordering on me believing it was an April Fools joke.  Basivcally they removed the Logic board then placed it in an oven at 200 Degrees Celius for 7.5 minutes.



Since there was nothing to lose , I gave it a go.   After a lot of fiddly work getting the thing opened (worse getting the motherboard connections back on).  I got the board out and put it in the oven for 7.5 minutes at 200 degress celcius as the video said. I also put a bit of solder next to it to see visually when the solder melted. . Let it all cool down then cleaned all the heat sink contacts and applied some new thermal paste to the chips. Put it all back together which was a real hassle. Turned it on and.....   It Works.



Anyway, if you are having the same issue here are the repair videos I mentioned:
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lol, mac having issue with their reflow process? so much for their great quality I guess...
It's not an issue with Apple process. It happens with other brands also. Basically the solder joints start to get micro fractures after a while due to heating and cooling that happens every time you use it.  The fix above just melts the solder again and reconstitutes it.

I have seen the same repair done on Dell's, Hp's etc.
There is kind of same issue on IBM/Lenovo Thinkpads which is solved with an hairdryer.

Also worked here.
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^ Awesome stuff,  It's a liberating feeling to fix something yourself.
So ... Apple would have charged 600$ Aussie for something that cost 1/2$ Aussie to do yourself … ? Is it me or does it seem like apple overcharges for decent products ?
Apple don't repair the logic board as I hope I did (knock on wood), they replace the logic board which is why the steep charge.
Waste . It would be cheaper for them to do that and just tell the average consumer nothing . Like their usual way of business .