Release Lynx Browser


Jun 23, 2009
Just compiled the latest version from

Unzip and run from a terminal.

For some reason the script won't execute properly from XFCE or minimenu. Hence no PND yet.

sorry, I uploaded half asleep.

Full intructions:

1: Unzip to your SD card preferably a directory called lynx.

2: open up a terminal window.

3: goto the directory (cd /media/SDCARD/lynx)

4: type ./

and it should run. press g to enter a url.
Hey, tried this before... But had a problem with fontsfile not loading correctly. How did you overcome this, or maybe you have a newer version, where that is fixed.

Also, did you compile with ssl support? Please note, that lynx doesn't check certificates!

So maybe no good idea to use the ssl-feature.
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when trying to run giving me error message about - no such file or directory

i guess i need to opkg this from angstrom feed?


can't install libtinfo giving me file already provoded errors when it trys to install ncurses-terminfo-base?
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Same issue here

mariopandio-openpandora:~$ cd /media/16GB/lynx-2

mariopandio-openpandora:/media/16GB/lynx-2$ ./

./lynx: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'll copy my dev environment to sd and reset my pandora.

I must've installed libtinfo as well as the dev version.

Mcobit: I just compiled afted setting up my pandora as a dev one. ncurses and html.o were the only problems I had. SSL was set but doesn't seem to work.

I'll try and resolve the dependancy issue then fix ssl :$
Never mind about ssl I was confusing it with dillo first.

Just include the missing libs in a directory called libs in the pnd.
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I reflashed my pandora to the latest hotfix to make sure such errors don't happen in future.

I've updated the file to include the missing library and also updated the .sh file.

Still pretty new to the linux command line but I'm learning fast :D

Instructions are the same as before.

The script is correct but it still won't call a terminal from the gui so it's still a manual process, sorry. Any help would be appreciated.

Once that problem is solved I can package it into a PND.


    713.4 KB · Views: 163
I think you have to call it with the terminal command like:


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./libs

xterm lynx -cfg=./ -lss=./

I haven't got a pandora right now, but you get the idea ;)

When you package it into a pnd please export the Homevariable before to not write to the nand.
The script is correct but it still won't call a terminal from the gui so it's still a manual process, sorry. Any help would be appreciated.Once that problem is solved I can package it into a PND.

Maybe i can provide help here. I've packaged mutt (text-based email-Reader) as PND and also have to open a Terminal to launch it.

Here's a snippet from my (which gets called from the pxml-file):

echo "#!/bin/sh" > /tmp/muttenv

echo "export MUTT_PATH=/mnt/pnd/mutt" >> /tmp/muttenv

echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$MUTT_PATH/usr/lib" >> /tmp/muttenv

echo "export PATH=$MUTT_PATH/usr/bin:$PATH" >> /tmp/muttenv

echo "export HOME=/mnt/utmp/mutt" >> /tmp/muttenv

echo "mutt" >> /tmp/muttenv

chmod 777 /tmp/muttenv

terminal -T "mutt" --fullscreen --hide-menubar --hide-toolbars -e "/tmp/muttenv"

As you can see, my generates a little script to set the needed mutt-environment in /tmp/-dir (you could also use appdata-dir) and then calls the terminal (in my case, i use the xfce-terminal) with this script as command to execute.

Looking forward to see Lynx as PND!
Thanks Mash,

I'm still getting used to setting all the paths etc. But it now works from the GUI :D

That means I can PND it..... knowing my luck one of the kids will do something before I get chance.
When there's already a terminal instance running, Lynx won't start due to $HOME not propagating to terminal (it seems).

Fix (

< terminal --fullscreen --hide-toolbars -e "./lynx -cfg=./ -lss=./"


> terminal --disable-server --fullscreen --hide-toolbars -e "./lynx -cfg=./ -lss=./"
It appears the default lynx client i have, does not support ssl, how do i make lynx talk ssl without re-compiling?
Not sure about lynx but most browsers need to be linked against libcrypto or ssl to be able to use it. So you might need to recompile it.
Any idea which libcrypto or ssl i can compile against for pandora? version?