Low Quality Mp3's


Just Photoshoppin, True, True.....
May 13, 2004
I'm not sure?
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Great news, The mp3 player that comes with the gp32_console doesn't play low quality mp3's at full speed but if you get the one from here then it will. Saves loads of space.
Don't give me any bull about read the instructions because there arn't any :D
I think that most of the homebrew MP3 players support lower bitrate files. But you are right the standard one is rather poor.
GamePark128 posted on May 31 2004 at 02:24 PM said:
How many high quality MP3 files can a 128MB Smart Media Card hold?
That depends a lot on style of music and length of the album, to my experience a good mp3 rip (alt preset standard to get the best transparency) can take from 60 Mo to 110 Mo, so it's quite impossible to guess. Furthermore, high quality is overkill for a portable device, you should go for ogg quality setting 1 or 2 (or less if you can stand it) for a portable device.
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At 128 kbps a minute of music is about 1 mb so smc will hold about 1.5 cds worth of music at this bitrate. Decent amount I say, but I'll stick to cd-mp3
Jeffery Mewtamer posted on May 31 2004 at 07:25 PM said:
At 128 kbps a minute of music is about 1 mb so smc will hold about 1.5 cds worth of music at this bitrate. Decent amount I say, but I'll stick to cd-mp3
Thats what I said. :lol: , a album and a half.
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If you like a good sound by less MB, use the latest LAME build (v3.96) with VBR96kbit-112kbit, Joint Stereo, Quality=0. Works great with the "beta 7" player from K2YAA and I get a bit more than 2 albums on a 128MB SMC.

If the programer from GP32 MAD would compress the player from 1,1MB down to 100k, I guess I would try/use it too. But so far... the K2YAA is the best IMO. Perhaps we see sometime the light and someone somewhere codes a player that is capable of AAC. Who knows...
Mofokubik posted on May 31 2004 at 11:42 PM said:
Hasn't anyone heard of ogg?! :blink:

Blows mp3 away in size...
I already posted 2 (yes two) post about Ogg in this thread and didn`t get a single response from anyone in this thread (I guess it is titled replaying low quality mp3s) So i deleted both of my posts. :rolleyes:

Hopefully you will get a better response (fingers crossed ;) )

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the wma player is pretty damn good too btw. Ogg definately better than mp3, but for me the wma/mp3 player is ideal b/c i ripped alot of cd's through mediaplayer
Heh, I bet someone with too much time, storage, and hearing ability on their hands will eventually release a FLAC player.

Hehe nice one. I can just imagine someone saying "yeah and the whole album only takes up 5 SMCs" :)

Pity the GP32s sound isn't up to it ;)
Heh, I bet someone with too much time, storage, and hearing ability on their hands will eventually release a FLAC player.

Hehe nice one. I can just imagine someone saying "yeah and the whole album only takes up 5 SMCs" :)

Pity the GP32s sound isn't up to it ;)
What do you mean, my mp3's very high quality??? :huh:
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What do you mean, my mp3's very high quality???

No disrespect to the GP32 it's a great little device but compared to a decent CD player or my sony clie MP3 player for example the GP32 is just ok. Plenty good enough for music on the go but hardly the proper medium for FLAC which is a lossless format whereby your encoded file is exactly the same quality as the original source.
I find it does the job but my mp3 cd plyer seems to do it better. But I do love my gp32_console Like a ninja's sword, defending its weilder, its strikes. :huh: eeeeeeeeerrrrrrr.......I don't know???