I've been looking into learning some Lua, because in my mind it looks like the bastard child of javascript and python, and i stumbled across love2d.org
It's basically an SDL binding for lua, but it also includes things like a physics engine based on box2d and a useful packaging mechanism.
and it's Fast. very fast.
After checking out the code, it looks like it's all very nice and portable C++ , with a bunch of lua on top of it. All of it (from a cursory glance), should compile
on arm-linux. at the moment it's targeted for linux, windows and mac (ppc + intel).
The only hold out is that it uses OpenGL instead of OpenGL/es , but it also only uses it to accelerate 2d.
it's dependencies
lua - portable c , available for pandora
love - portable c++ ..
opensdl - portable c, available for pandora
openAL - portable c, it supports arm , but i don't know about pandora support
OpenGL - portable c , needs to be ported to opengl/es
DevIL - unknown .. it's an extension to sql for image loading/saving .. it will need to be ported to arm and possibly opengl/es
Does anyone have any more experiences with the status of these dependencies/libraries on the pandora ?
what's nice about this is that they already use a packaging mechanism similar to .pnd files that ship the entire stack alongside the
cross platform game file (called ".love") , so it would open up an entire community of games that can be easily ported.
theoretically some of this could be used to target iphone os / android too, with minimal changes.
Oh.. and i also found this - code.google.com/p/lov8/
some people are replacing the lua scripting with the google v8 javascript engine, which means you could write kickass games
in javascript.
It's basically an SDL binding for lua, but it also includes things like a physics engine based on box2d and a useful packaging mechanism.
and it's Fast. very fast.
After checking out the code, it looks like it's all very nice and portable C++ , with a bunch of lua on top of it. All of it (from a cursory glance), should compile
on arm-linux. at the moment it's targeted for linux, windows and mac (ppc + intel).
The only hold out is that it uses OpenGL instead of OpenGL/es , but it also only uses it to accelerate 2d.
it's dependencies
lua - portable c , available for pandora
love - portable c++ ..
opensdl - portable c, available for pandora
openAL - portable c, it supports arm , but i don't know about pandora support
OpenGL - portable c , needs to be ported to opengl/es
DevIL - unknown .. it's an extension to sql for image loading/saving .. it will need to be ported to arm and possibly opengl/es
Does anyone have any more experiences with the status of these dependencies/libraries on the pandora ?
what's nice about this is that they already use a packaging mechanism similar to .pnd files that ship the entire stack alongside the
cross platform game file (called ".love") , so it would open up an entire community of games that can be easily ported.
theoretically some of this could be used to target iphone os / android too, with minimal changes.
Oh.. and i also found this - code.google.com/p/lov8/
some people are replacing the lua scripting with the google v8 javascript engine, which means you could write kickass games
in javascript.