Looking For One Small & Cheap Memory Stick Duo


Active Member
Apr 9, 2003
Hi everyone :)

if you've got a 128 or a 64 or even a 32 Mb Memory stick duo which sounds useless for you then maybe you could sell this to me for a cheap price ^^

please make offers, but once again I'm searching something cheap as I don't got money anymore :(

thanks alot :)
Squidge posted on Jul 18 2005 at 09:11 PM said:
What do you call cheap? a 64Mb card is only £8.93 ex VAT or £10.49 inc VAT.

yeah but without transport fee (I live in France so it need to include VAT too :( )

btw my budget would be something like that inc VAT & transport fee .... in fact more particulary £12 (lol yeah not really a rich period for me ^^) ... I were dreaming of a total capacity of 128 Mb , but watching the market, it looks like that 64 Mb (+ a 32 Mb :rolleyes: ) would be something more realistic for this price !
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Well, they only charge £1.90 postage, so it'll be £10.49+£1.90 = £12.39, just in your budget :)


or you could try ebay?
Squidge posted on Jul 19 2005 at 08:24 AM said:
Well, they only charge £1.90 postage, so it'll be £10.49+£1.90 = £12.39, just in your budget :)


or you could try ebay?

thanks for the link :) but saddly they are out of stock for now!

I've just spent all night long searching on ebay, but unfortunatly the final price (usually they put extremly high transport fee which is something incredible for a MS which weights surely 2gr ! ) is always higher than the money I got in my pocket :(
but I'll keep whatch & search it for few days :)

Edit :
Finaly I success to find a 64 Mb for 7£ including everything ^^ I'm poor but I'm happy lol
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saintdragon posted on Aug 2 2005 at 01:48 AM said:
what shop sells such cheap 64 mb duo in london or england? me interested ;P

sorry, it was not in England :(
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