Looking For A Gp32 In The Us!


Jun 22, 2004
Houston, Texas
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone in the US is willing to sell me their GP32. I am looking for a decent looking and working one. I guess there is no preference to whether its a FLU, BLU or a non-lit one, although I'd love a lit one! I would like the price under $150.

Thnx, Protoss B)
Hi guys, just wondering if anyone in the US is willing to sell me their GP32. I am looking for a decent looking and working one. I guess there is no preference to whether its a FLU, BLU or a non-lit one, although I'd love a lit one! I would like the price under $150.

Thnx, Protoss B)
eBay... Tons of 'em
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Ok, my mom is willing to pitch in $80 for the GP. And the max I want to spend is $100 of my own money, even that is cutting it a bit close :( Anyone willing to sell their gp32_console FLU for under $180?

Thnx, Protoss gp32_console
Just so yo know, Lik-Sang sells GP32 FLUs for only $179. So, if you just add in a bit more $ for tax and shipping, you'll get a brand new unit.
Yea I know about Lik-Sang, thats probably where I'll end up getting it from. I just don't want to pay so much ($23 for UPS) for shipping. And, $180 is the max I want to pay.
Hmmm... thinking of getting a blu so i may be interested in selling my 166 flu. PM me if your curious. (perfect condition btw)