Localization Of The Website


Still Fresh
Dec 27, 2009
Hi all,

I'm new here. I am a developer/debugger from China. Recently I hear the news about Pandora, and am very interest in the project. As I know, there is nearly 1 million gamers in my country have a portable comercial game box. Unfortunately, nearly all of them are smuggled goods. Because there is lack of offcial channels for sale from the manufacturers (e.g. SONY). So when meet Pandora, I suppose it will be a good chance to introduce to my conutrymen. It is not only the game box itself but the open source and related tech. It may be a brainstrom.

Thus, I would like to take the work of official website translation to Chinese at first. Although I could not do this work speedy for I am also busy in my daily work, I will try my best. Here I'd like to ask can I take part in the localization project? Any advice or suggestion will be appriciated.
We'd certainly appreciate any help we can get. If you'd like to start helping right away, then you can always start a Chinese localization on the wiki. There is already a partial Taiwanese version, but I don't know enough about the Chinese dialects to know if this is sufficient for mainland Mandarin speakers. If a separate localization is required, let me know and I'll add it to the main page. If not, feel free to expand on what's already there.
Chip said:
We'd certainly appreciate any help we can get. If you'd like to start helping right away, then you can always start a Chinese localization on the wiki. There is already a partial Taiwanese version, but I don't know enough about the Chinese dialects to know if this is sufficient for mainland Mandarin speakers. If a separate localization is required, let me know and I'll add it to the main page. If not, feel free to expand on what's already there.
Thank you for your reply. I believe that separate one is needed. It is mainly beacuse there are lots of terms spelling in different way among Simplified and Tranditional Chinese, beside these words themselves. And according to your suggestion, I will start the translation in wiki page at first. Please add the Simplified one. Thanks.
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OK. I've finished the Pandora section (Zh:Pandora) and the main page (Zh:Main_Page) of wiki. I will keep updating when I am available. Hope Pandora will involve more and more users and developers for global distribution!

We are going to make a polish pandora site. I will use joomla like on that site, maybe similar design with a forum and a wiki, everything from our own pockets. I have registred two domain names, actually 4 because we was afraid someone will register them and make a some shitty site like open-pandora.com ;) so i have the .pl, .com.pl , .eu and .net . The .eu and .net going to be linked to the official site, and .pl/com.pl would be the for the polish site. We dont have our own server space, so we are going to use slicehost or konta.pl. I will pay for everything in january, we have started building the site. Also we are thinking about making a shop on the site, with no provision - just to make it easier to buy pandora in poland, i dont know how it should be implemented now, but it should not be hard, for start it can be just linked to gbax :-) What do you think? The address would be *open-pandora.pl, *open-pandora.com.pl; and *open-pandora.eu && *open-pandora.net -> goes to -> *open-pandora.org (it isnt configured yet, i have to pay for it to 10 january, if i wont pay it will be dropped). Can we copy the logo etc? I can't find any copyrights on the page... Also we can make it look very different, firstly we was thinking about drupal and making something BIG similar maybe to http://psp-team.pl/ with user accounts linked to forum accounts, but then it would be too much for open project and i like the simplicity of the official site, and i think it is the perfect option for that kind of site.

Or should it be the same site - but - translated with a polish forum and wiki?
Yes, i did saw that earlier today. And beside that, i talked on the channel aboout the idea. After all i think better is to do polish translation of the official page :-)

btw, the http://openpandora.pl/ layout is horrible in my opinion o.o maybe it is just quickly made beta version of the site... and that monster on the top, i hate monsters =D

Well i am not canceling the domains... ill see what can i do with that, if nothing i will just link all of them to the official site.
Back onto that topic, really if ED wants a Spanish translation of the site, im free and as i offered before just give me a format and ill translate it all.