Hi, I will be releasing such an application for the Gbax 2007 Coding Competition, so in a week or something there will be a version released (after they announced it on their site). This includes live webcam display on screen, taking pictures (photocamera application), ...
You can get a 3-4 frames per second (it is USB 1.1, so max 12Mbps, sending 320x240 @ 24bits per frame is the limiting factor). I am still working on a multithreaded capture to max the number of frames per second. But this still needs a lot of work. Then one threads constantly grabs a frame to a buffer, while another thread displays it and does other stuff with it.
The software includes a simple library with some simple functions (OpenCamera(), GetNewFrame(), CloseCamera()), so other applications and even games can be easily written. I've added 320x240 resolution to my webcam driver (cropping, not scaling, from 352x288). This is because my webcam doesn't support 320x240. I guess it's best we add this to all webcam drivers for webcams with other resolutions. So all the software can be written with 320x240 frames, this means no expensive scaling and more cpu time for other things.
My webcam get its power from the 5V output of the GP2X MK2 unit (artaylor EXT->USB cable). So no need to add extra batteries.
Can both of you tell me your webcam models? I'll try to find the drivers and compile kernel modules for them.
Guyfawkes: Are you interested in beta testing it, so I know it will work when you test it for the competition
