Listen to those gba fans whine...

WaWaWang posted on May 4 2003 said:
haha funny as hell. keep up the good work monkey
Well fanku very much, but i dont really know what i did?
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OOh OOh OOOOh, Can I get in on the sarcasm???

Well....I can't think of anything.
BUT ....Hi everyone... I am 24, My name is Tom and I have been a GP-aholic for 5 months.

Until GP64 comes out...
then I ll stop....
AND start back up again!!

Wait... *looks around*
Wait a minute....
This isn't AA is it?
Oops sorry about the interuption....GAME ON!

GP32 RULES *screams at top of lungs*....then...*coughs*
Why must it be one or the other? I have a GBA SP and a GP32 and I love them both. There's ample homebrew available for both platforms and in that way they're really very similar.
It doesn't have to be one or the other, neither do I believe it is. I have both a GBA and a GP32. I just prefer the GP32 over the GBA. Just like all my other consoles, I loved and still love the original NES system, but sometimes I just have to reach out and play some PS2, or Xbox or whatever I feel like doing at the time. No matter what though, since I am a harcore gamer, there is a special place in my heart for all the consoles I have had over the years.
*My fiance probably gets jealous when I say that* ;) :blink:

BUT...GP32 takes the cake when it comes to what entertains me the most.
I have to admit I am a loyal GPer through and through. Always will be.
they're all good systems. i have all three of the next gen systems and they all have their good points. I still don't know if i consider the Xbox a real console or not..

because if i plug my latop into my TV and use a gamepad... is it a console?

anyways.. i like to play with all the crap i own.. people with their minds set on ONE thing are the lamers.

OT: i just beat metroid fusion for GBA and it was awesome.
personally I don't give a shit which machines people own. A good game is a good game, that's why people buy the GP. spectrum or C64?, i'll have both please! I leave all that fan boy crap to the 16 year olds forum's. Which this one isn't. I develop for the PS2, and the hardware id getting on a bit, most of our texture are 16 colour for christ sake! (due to it's lack of Vram) but I still use one because of the games, and sometimes you can be astonished at what people can drag out of it.
Anderson posted on May 4 2003 said:
I do find it quite interesting that everyone has to make some coment because some people have this machine or that. well here is the total list of machines in my household ;)

1.) the pc - emulates near enough everything B)
2.) PS2 - to play my PS2 games on :rolleyes:
3.) XBOX - must admit this was the wifes idea but munch's odyssey is quite cute :blink:
4.) GAMECUBE - Nintendo games are Nintendo games. Nuff said :P
5.) Ps1*5 - yep the grey and white blighters are everywhere (Kids 3 Me 2)
6.) Dreamcast*2 - The best sega console going, going gone........... :D
7.) Sega Saturn - Poor graphics but some mighty fine games :)
8.) 1 Gameboy & 2 Gameboy color - Wish i could find some cheap 64M bung carts for em B)
9.) 2 GBA - Multiplayer with wife in the bed hehe
10.) GP32 - My portable library and handheld whatever takes my fancy at the time B)
11.) last but not least the wife's GBA SP - ( she had to have something when i bought my GP32)

Well there you go. Please feel free to pass friendly comments. Have fun whatever machine you have.

man i want a wife like yours, my girlfriend freaks out if i even look at the PC, let alone playing it with me :blink:
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My GP32 is better than yours! Hahaa ;)

... don't know why, actually, but I wanted to show-off somehow :D
I think khephren said it best ... you can tell the kids from the adults real easily. Kids go on and on about "my console is better than yours" while adults just buy one (or more, apparently) of each.

Every time my friend at work tells me how much better his GBA is than my GP32, I just think ... hm, for the same price, he can get one game, and I can get another 128mb card. Choice seems simple to me.
I don't Chunk-e was being childish, he was just bringing this machine to the attention of others. Some people in that forum reacted badly but if you look several people were very interested and some may have been convinced to buy a GP32 - and that's a good thing, right? The more support this machine gets the better the software will become and so on.

It's not a case of bragging, it's just letting others know that there are better things out there. If you like a machine then you might as well tell others how good it is and share information on it, not keep it to yourself.

Besides, as Rambozo says, there's more than enough room for both machines.
Listen to yourself. Do you really think a console is comparable to a handheld?! THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!!!! Thats like comparing a desktop pc to a palm pilot. As far as the console wars go, in terms of hardware, xbox owns all. In terms of games, xbox owns all. In terms of features, xbox owns all. lets just face is, ps2 is crap compared to xbox, gc, and pc. Ps2 does have a few awesome games, they were just released on one of the worst consoles of our time. And I am not going to put down gc, because I like gc almost as much as I like xbox, the games are great.

And as far as dreamcast goes, it is the best over all considering you can download full games or emulators for free, burn them and play them without a mod chip. I have no idea why sega quit with it, it is one of my favorite consoles. (just love halflife, sooo awesome)
Mofokubik posted on May 9 2003 said:
dreamcast... it is the best over all considering you can download full games or emulators for free, burn them and play them without a mod chip. I have no idea why sega quit with it
Sarcasm: Yeah, don't you hate it when your favorite machine for pirating stuff isn't supported anymore and there are no new games to download off the net and you need to start buying mod chips or worse actual games?

Seriously, its a dead console and anyone sharing stuff now doesn't bug me in the slightest. I also bought a Dreamcast when it was only out a few months and enjoyed many great games. No idea either why Sega couldn't make it work, but given their history, perhaps its better this way... at least they can make games we might enjoy rather than going bankrupt.
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Even though I play emualtion/roms on there, I still buy games for it. Jet grind radio for dreamcast is way better than the one for xbox...just as one example... let me try some math:

Dead console + Nobody wants it = Its cheaper to buy games and the system

Genesis has been gone for a while now too, but im planning on getting a nomad so I can play all of my fav games on that too, and again, games are cheap because nobody really wants genesis stuff anymore

Anyone know how much a used Atari2600 would cost. Im gonna get one for my dad. Either that, or ill get him a dreamcast with a 2600 emu on it.
Mofokubik posted on May 9 2003 said:
Anyone know how much a used Atari2600 would cost. Im gonna get one for my dad. Either that, or ill get him a dreamcast with a 2600 emu on it.
I bought a used Atari 2600 recently at a thrift store for $2.98, with no joystick and no power supply. Paid .99 each for those two items at the same store.
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Just because a system is dead does not mean the games are going to be cheaper. Games that were released on dead and 'failed' consoles such as the Saturn still fetch amazingly high prices (Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force 3, Shining the Holy Ark, Radiant Silvergun, etc) much higher than any games currently available today on consoles that are still 'alive'. Games that are common will be less, obviously, but that is true of every system (supply and demand), dead or otherwise, right up to the current consoles.

I can name several Megadrive/Genesis titles that are worth bucketloads at the moment, same goes for the SNES/Super Famicom, Playstation and Dreamcast.

'Dead' does not mean 'cheap'. Sometimes it can mean the exact opposite.
True, but my point was that there are cheap games on every platform, not just the 'dead' consoles. For example, there are many PS2 games that can be bought for next to nothing now. The cheap games that are available for the Megadrive/Genesis are going to be the most common ones. The rare and collectable ones will obviously be worth a lot more. I disagree that a console is cheap when it's dead. It's all about supply and demand - Megadrives and SNES' are cheap because they're common as muck, but PC Engines will cost more because the machine didn't get an official release over here. They're all 'dead' consoles, but the prices vary. (I suppose which territory you're in effects this too.)
Example: Final Fantasy 3j only shipped about 8 copies to the UK, each one sells for over £100 now, since they aren't produced. Of course PS(2) remakes will cause the price to lower.
Last I checked, games were cheap as dirt. That is, if you buy your dirt for about 5 bucks, and that is around the same price as a game.