List Of 220mhz-gp32s

Jan 16, 2004
heya, folks (i always hate to read greetings in the beginning of posts, ah well couldn't resist ^^)
since there are so many unmodded gp32s that can o/c to 200/220mhz with mirko's clockspeed-tester, i wanted to make a list of them ^^
please only post here if your gp32 can o/c to 200 or 220mhz
write wether its modded or not
and please also write wether you have a non-lit, a flu or a blu
(one of its reasons is the burning questions 'has it a sense to make 200mhz-able emulators?')

please keep this clean of flame or other questions (pm me if you really cant hold it)

mine is an unmodded non-lit gp32, goes upto 220mhz
But Does you GP32 Run at 220mhz Running an Emulator Like OpenSnes or a Game????

That CPU Speed Testing Software says my GP32 can run at 166mhz, but when I try to play a game / emu at that speed it crashes after 1 second.
Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2004 at 11:04 AM said:
But Does you GP32 Run at 220mhz Running an Emulator Like OpenSnes or a Game????

That CPU Speed Testing Software says my GP32 can run at 166mhz, but when I try to play a game / emu at that speed it crashes after 1 second.
Is this using mr.mirko's cpu heavy tester? That should be an accurate guide for how high you can reach. Give it a go.
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Steve-O posted on Jul 3 2004 at 11:04 AM said:
But Does you GP32 Run at 220mhz Running an Emulator Like OpenSnes or a Game????

That CPU Speed Testing Software says my GP32 can run at 166mhz, but when I try to play a game / emu at that speed it crashes after 1 second.
same here, can go to 164mhz fine.

but in a game, freeze ville.
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i tried mine for 15 minutes at 220 MhZ, worked fine (didn´t want to clock it longer), but the guy i got mine from (I had one, he had one, he bought himself a BLU and found a stupid moron who pays him 200$ for his old one (non moded unlit), so i told him to sell that guy my GP (which "only" clocked to 166 (non moded unlit)) and ill get his) said he tried it for 10 minutes, then the screen went crazy and the GP32 reseted. But it w0rks for me, so...... I got one

EDIT: just in case you couldn´t find the info in the text: Non-modded unlit
Unfortunately, I never got to test the upper limits of my GP32's speed before I cracked the LCD (Stupid! Stupid!). OpenSNES9xGP ran perfectly at 166mhz for long periods at a time though. My GP32 was non-modded. If anyone feels like helping me get a new GP32, you can buy my XBOX w/ sealed copy of Halo! I'm thinking I might let it go for the first offer of $130 or more, since it seems to not be selling........ Or, I'll trade it for an FLU! Link in sig:
Horscht posted on Jul 5 2004 at 06:24 PM said:
i tried mine for 15 minutes at 220 MhZ, worked fine (didn´t want to clock it longer), but the guy i got mine from (I had one, he had one, he bought himself a BLU and found a stupid moron who pays him 200$ for his old one (non moded unlit), so i told him to sell that guy my GP (which "only" clocked to 166 (non moded unlit)) and ill get his) said he tried it for 10 minutes, then the screen went crazy and the GP32 reseted. But it w0rks for me, so...... I got one

EDIT: just in case you couldn´t find the info in the text: Non-modded unlit
I didn't say 10 Minutes. I said 30 Minutes. Try it Horscht, try it....
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are the garenteed 166 mhz from gbax modded
because if so mine is
oh yeah i got 220 mhz
and it stayed there untill i got board of watching the demo(although it is really cool)

edit: its a non-lit
and someone should make a 220 opensne9xgp
we might get fullspeed
unmodded gp32_console non-lit @ 220 mhz btw. i have 2 of them which could handle that :P
bought from lik-sang @ october