Linux Vs Windows


Still Fresh
Aug 5, 2003
Since the gp2x runs linux, would it be possible to run wine on there and play windows games?

Just a thought... a bit of a shot in the dark, but a thought nonetheless.
yeah you would have to emulate the whole x86 cpu to run windows programs and that would be really slow ;)
hope someone do this soon. i want make a screenshot of my gp2x running windows95
^^ Someone got Fenix games running through Bochs on the psp, would be fun to try this on the gp2x.
WINE acronym for WINE Is Not an Emulator, which is true; it just "pretends to be" Windows and uses the computer's real hardware.

Prothall: Bochs emulates x86 architecture - the GP32 has ARM.
Fie. I know nothing of Bochs, and got the impression it would run anything, that being its purpose.
I guess it would be easier to actually write a new firmware based on windows CE or something, however, I guess no one would need it...

And we can be glad if the dosBox Emulator will somehow work properly...
Linux can be taken and adjusted and the code written to make it work on various hardware by anyone. That is one of the wonderful abilities of Linux. That is what the makers of the GP2X did. ;)