Liksang=rip Off


Dec 27, 2003
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Last year, a few days before Christmas, I ordered an GP32 flu system from Barely 2 months later, the flu died. I e-mailed the company multiple times but they replied back saying "Because you have had the system over 2 months the warrenty is void." GRRR!
In the beginning of September i finally sent my GP32 into Mashmods for repair. Gregor Simeonov couldnt have been nicer. He explained that the system was unrepairable due to an inernal circiutry problem. This also means that i cannot use any other external devices that use the sysem's power (chatboard, wormlight, etc.) I e-mailed Liksang one again but never got a reply.
So here i am, mad as ever because the company that says
No matter if before or after your purchase, our customer service representatives
won't leave you out in the rain.
coulnt have been more cruel <sob>
So what im trying to say is Liksang is a big corperation that doesnt really care about you at all, so go GBAX.
yeah liksag is a rip off cause all the stuff is asian formatted Geo12 best to buy it where i got it from Eoupe.

They have great stuff for GP32/Zodiak and fair prices
I had bought from Liksang before and was satisfied, but never again :angry:

What really made me mad was there customer service agreement:
Service: is dedicated to providing our customers
with world class customer service. No matter if before
or after your purchase, our customer service representatives
won't leave you out in the rain. We will continue to
strive to make your first choice for the
latest and most innovative consumer electronic products,
offered at the guaranteed lowest prices, and the finest
customer service.

They pretty much destroyed that <_<
2 months is a pretty long time. Try buying an X-Box or PS2 from BestBuy or CircuitCity and then return it after 2 months to see what they say. LikSang does NOT manufacture the GP32s so they are only liable for a short period of time after you receive your item.
unlucky mate,., so it fixed now?

No, actually it is unrepairable so it will never be fixed :(

2 months is a pretty long time. Try buying an X-Box or PS2 from BestBuy or CircuitCity and then return it after 2 months to see what they say. LikSang does NOT manufacture the GP32s so they are only liable for a short period of time after you receive your item.

true, but GBAx said they would replace a faulty one no matter what
That is right, we would have replaced that no problem, we offer a full year, loads of the FLU's failed and hahotek had to fix them.

I've no idea why liksang fobbed you off, just keep trying?

2 months is a joke of a guarantee, I thought it was a year.

I think Liksang started giving 1 year guarantee with the gp32blu launch. prior to that i think they only gave 1 month or so <_<

maybe that was due to GamePark, not Liksang, i really dont know :blink:

If you are in an EU, every dealer HAS to give you a 2 years warranty!
(Of course, if the dealer is in the EU. ;))
In the BLU manual Gamepark does say that there's a year's warranty
from them directly. Don't know how you would go about that though.
I'll share my Lik-Sang angry story:

I ordered a GBA with an afterburner installed from them a couple of years back.

I had no problems receiving my order, but noticed that the dimmer dial was missing. Not only did they not install it, but they never shipped it with my GBA ... I know .. "what's the big deal about the dimmer?" ... well , it's the principal.

You see, I sent them a polite E-mail asking if they could be so kind as to ship it, since I wanted the option of turning down the light to nearly off when playing in decent over-head lighting.
Their condescending reply was thus:

"This surely is not a serious E-mail. We supplied you with a perfectly modded GBA for a cheap price, and you're complaining about a potentiometer which costs, at most, a cent?!? We throw away all the dimmers, as they are useless."

Well, I was pissed for a few months, but wound up ordering a Japan-launch GBAsp anyway, since they had the cheapest shipping.

The moral of the story: You get what you pay for.
Cant speak for Lik Sang as I have never ordered from them but, when my FLU packed up after a couple of months, I rang GBAX and they told me to send it back, so I did and they exchanged it for a BLU!

Now thats what I call customer service.
Cant speak for Lik Sang as I have never ordered from them but, when my FLU packed up after a couple of months, I rang GBAX and they told me to send it back, so I did and they exchanged it for a BLU!

Now thats what I call customer service.

Wow, that is nice.

As for me, I didn't have a problem with my order from Lik-Sang. However, it was just one order, so maybe I was lucky. They are very inexpensive, though.
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I like lik-sang never had any problems except the time they sent me 100 snes extension cables instead of the 100 snes pads i ordered.First they asked me if i would just accept the extension cables but then i decided no and said i was very dissappointed with there customer service as they were tryin to get me to keep them in stead of sortin it . Then tyhey emailewd me and said sorry told m eto keep the extensions and send me the pads too :D is the better choice if you're in the USA. I'm very glad I got my GP32 BLU there. Plus for an extra $6 he does the glass screen mod, and it's worth getting. You also get Gloop Deluxe full version for free, good game. :)

Plus, after shipping I think GP32Z is actually cheaper than Lik Sang. If you're in the USA of course.

If you're in Europe, GBAX is THE place of course. Cuz Craig r0x. :D
unlucky mate,., so it fixed now?

No, actually it is unrepairable so it will never be fixed :(

2 months is a pretty long time. Try buying an X-Box or PS2 from BestBuy or CircuitCity and then return it after 2 months to see what they say. LikSang does NOT manufacture the GP32s so they are only liable for a short period of time after you receive your item.

true, but GBAx said they would replace a faulty one no matter what

gbax rules. they replaced mine without a fuss when it was broken
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Play asia are much better. Over a year after buying they replaced my flu because it had some slightly anoying problem (something with the flu switch I think, can't remember). Gbax would offer the same service I'd guess.