Problematic R Button...


Still Fresh
Aug 25, 2004
Athens, Greece
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Hi guys, I bought a GP32 166Mhz version from LikSang.
I got it yesterday and it seemed totally fine, but when I installed some stuff I realised that the R button is dead. It feels just like the L button though it makes a more crispy sound when pressed.
I have e-mailed them and I'm waiting responce, but instead of going through all that send-back-and-wait-for-the-new-one process, can I do anything myself to fix it or will I lose my time and probably void the guarantee?
Thank you guys in account!
gp32_console rocks anyway! :D
It should be really easy to fix. I fixed my unresponsive R button by simply stuffing paper under there (Just do a simple search and you should find the thread).
Jr2swiss posted on Aug 25 2004 at 01:26 AM said:
You live in Athens Greece? You live near the host spots?
Yep. I've also been to some games, I live just 2km away from the main stadium. It's pretty cool overall but I feel sad about that doping story. Supplements are NOT dope. :angry:
@Azure : I couldn't find the topic but anyway, I feel already reliefed. I just need to find a tool, the screws are damn small. :P
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I wonder why so many gp32s are delivered damaged or defective... when my gp32 was delivered from lik-sang, it came in great condition (except the usual dust under the screen...). well good luck with your gp32