
I remember seeing one of those in Edmund Scientifics once........ but I've tried something similar before, and it didn't really work well without direct contact. Of course, I suppose it could depend on how it's made........
hmm... If I could get some full size pics that show dimensions truly, I would have to check it out....
I might by one, all else fails then I could read at night....
I like this....

there is a bit of a problem...i have been experimenting for a while with front lights...i even have a diy frontlight in my gp32...there are even pics of it on the board somewhere...but the problem is this...the light has to enter it in an odd way...its hard to explain...but with my frontlight, there is one side where light can enter and it will be reflected onto the lcd, this illuminating it...all the other sides just barely light up...

so you MIGHT get a FEW lights out of that IF YOU ARE LUCKY!
hey nerd, I remember when you said you were doin a diy, thats what made me try my own experaments
although, you have finished before me... I have made progress, I know a lot of methods that wont work, atleast, have to look on bright side!!]

although, I believe this could work if one could cut the glass

Octavious posted on May 23 2004 at 08:16 PM said:
hey nerd, I remember when you said you were doin a diy, thats what made me try my own experaments
although, you have finished before me... I have made progress, I know a lot of methods that wont work, atleast, have to look on bright side!!]

although, I believe this could work if one could cut the glass

mine is far from finished... <_< i want to replace the leds with a cold cathode...that would be brighter than a normal flu... :D

i would suggest that you just get some ipaw lcds, the guy i got mine from still had some last i can just pull the light guide out of that, then cut it to size...then you will need a light source...i would suggest an afterburner if you could still get one...but...seeing as you can't... <_<

ALSO, if i can find the proper stuff, i MIGHT be able to cast a mold of the light guide and bring flu's to the masses...but, the way it works is it isn't just one piece of is a normal sheet if plexi (i think its plexi...) with an odd rigid film type stuff over making a mold might be out...
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