Idea For A Music Program


Still Fresh
Apr 28, 2009
The pandora is a wonderful device, and I think it has a lot of potential as a music player.
As it stands though, if you want to get a playlist going, you boot into xfce, start xmms, and then go from there.

What I would like to see is a simple, ncurses front end to mplayer that would provide easy navigation using the Dpad and buttons, while being light on resources. Since it would not have a GUI, it could be run without a desktop environment running. If possible, the processor could be downclocked in combination with this program so as to further maximize battery life.

It sounds sort of interesting.
Can anybody remind me how you access the D-Pad and buttons without being involved? Can SDL do that, or does it rely on X11 behind the scenes?
There are some lightweight music players on the GP2X that fit this bill. We're likely to see one or two of these ported:,0,0,0,6,1870,0,0,0,6,2177,0,0,0,6,1857

I know Coder_TimT has expressed interest in porting ommpc2x to Pandora. He's done some nice visual updates on it pretty recently too.
grasshoppir said:
mpd is cool and has a few clients in "curses"
+1 for mpd
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I'd like to see an iTunes clone with a pretty interface. :) But a player that runs in the background would be good too, I guess :P
Gruso said:
iBrew said:
I'd like to see an iTunes clone with a pretty interface. :) But a player that runs in the background would be good too, I guess :P

It's open source (mozilla based) but I don't know how realistic it is for Pandora.

It'd be good for running alone without any other programs running, I'd think. But I like purdy things. :D
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