Scorched GP programmer
*edit, adding soome links provided by quiest 
i started with fenix yesterday, i already understand the basics a bit, nice language
. but finding everything i needed was all but simple...
lets try and put all help together in one thread again, i've for example been searching nearly an hour how to get my fenix app on the gp32 (i know, it's very simple and obvious, but you wouldn't think it was written in any of the tutorials i found so far, or was told in a readme with the gp32 fenix package or wherever i've seen so far...)
most i learned so far from the shoot project (although knowing some c and java also helped a lot ^^), for which i thank the maker and quiest for advising it to me
so, what i've used so far to be able to make something basic (pong
, easy game to start with
evil dragon's tutorials are good for some basic things about fenix, threads:
http://www.gp32x.de/Fenix/Chapter_0.pdf (thanx quiest for the link)
a basic game with very well documented code
, ideal to understand some basics of fenix 
also useful to visit: http://www.flamingbird.com/public_html/index.php
the forum has some good information
, also the download sections contains some good IDE's (kind of texteditors to program with, they highlight stuff, make it easy to compile and run etc....), and good tools too 
and now how to get a fenix game on the gp32: take the basic fenix fxe you get with the fenix package, rename it to yourgame.fxe, put it in gpmm, make in the gpmm folder the folder yourgame, and put there the compiled (yourgame.dcb) file and ohter recources(unless you specified some specific locations of where files are to be expected i presume). that's all ^^
and there are several options for the fxe it appears (thanx quiest):
There are three fenix.fxe file you can use, here are two:
Without Splash Screen
This one is very small, just 80kb and it only displays that blue loading screen.
With Splash Screen
It`s a bit larger, around 300kb, but if you put a 320x240 (duh) png image, named like your game in the game folder, it gets displayed instead of that blue loading screen.
You can use ratx` FXEGui to edit the FXE and change the title, author and icon.
and one little question: i currently use the flamebird IDE, but it compiles to a huge file, if i manually compile my game (with dos commands) it becomes 4kb, if i do it with flamebird it gives me a file of 50kb.... WHY??
i started with fenix yesterday, i already understand the basics a bit, nice language
lets try and put all help together in one thread again, i've for example been searching nearly an hour how to get my fenix app on the gp32 (i know, it's very simple and obvious, but you wouldn't think it was written in any of the tutorials i found so far, or was told in a readme with the gp32 fenix package or wherever i've seen so far...)
most i learned so far from the shoot project (although knowing some c and java also helped a lot ^^), for which i thank the maker and quiest for advising it to me
so, what i've used so far to be able to make something basic (pong
evil dragon's tutorials are good for some basic things about fenix, threads:
http://www.gp32x.de/Fenix/Chapter_0.pdf (thanx quiest for the link)
a basic game with very well documented code
also useful to visit: http://www.flamingbird.com/public_html/index.php
the forum has some good information
and now how to get a fenix game on the gp32: take the basic fenix fxe you get with the fenix package, rename it to yourgame.fxe, put it in gpmm, make in the gpmm folder the folder yourgame, and put there the compiled (yourgame.dcb) file and ohter recources(unless you specified some specific locations of where files are to be expected i presume). that's all ^^
and there are several options for the fxe it appears (thanx quiest):
There are three fenix.fxe file you can use, here are two:
Without Splash Screen
This one is very small, just 80kb and it only displays that blue loading screen.
With Splash Screen
It`s a bit larger, around 300kb, but if you put a 320x240 (duh) png image, named like your game in the game folder, it gets displayed instead of that blue loading screen.
You can use ratx` FXEGui to edit the FXE and change the title, author and icon.
and one little question: i currently use the flamebird IDE, but it compiles to a huge file, if i manually compile my game (with dos commands) it becomes 4kb, if i do it with flamebird it gives me a file of 50kb.... WHY??
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