LemmingsSDL - Question about home-console exclusive levels


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I finally got around to installing LemmingsSDL last night - what a brilliant reimplementation! Easily one of the best native games we have, I think (but then, I would think that - I've always been a bit of a Lemmings nut :P ).

I noticed that it has all of the original levels, and all of the official add-on ones, too, but I also noticed that something was missing. Sort of. :P Namely: The exclusive levels from the home-console versions.

For example, there were several Sunsoft-exclusive ones from the SNES and Mega Drive versions of the game, along with the "Present" difficulty setting from the Mega Drive version, and the several exclusive stages from the Master System/Game Gear version (which were scattered throughout the various difficulty levels, originally) which also had exclusive tilesets, too (such as

https://www.youtube.com/embed/HbDfD0xP1tA?feature=oembed (this example is Sunsoft Special, from the Mega Drive version, which uses characters and music from the NES game Hebereke/Ufouria - The Saga) whilst, for example, the Master System version had some exclusive tunes (namely: Scotland the Brave, My Old Man said Follow the Van, and Miniature Overture) which were in the game but weren't always necessarily used in the exclusive levels.

I was just wondering if either of these things might get implemented at some point, really. :) (I was also wondering why I'm allowed to skip through to any level I want to, instead of being able to use the old passwords, but that's just an aside, and unrelated to this, really. :P )
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I only played the Amiga and DOS Versions, so I don't know any of those levels. But I would always vote for more (if it's an option) :)

I have no idea how the levels in Lemmings (or this specific port) work. If it would be possible to add user-created levels or even a semi-easy to use level editor, that would also be pretty amazing!

I'll just be happy to play all the levels I know over and over again wherever I go, though. It's going to be one of the first .PNDs that will make it onto my Pandora, and one of the few I will always have with me.

Let's go! :wub:
Yeah I was amazed at how close it was to the Amiga / Dos version.. Lemmings and Lemmings 2 were one of my most played games back in the day.. I never actually played it on consoles.. without a mouse how well did it play?
While we are in the topic of music, isn't the first level supposed to have a different tune? I think you got level 1 and 2 mixed up :-)
Yeah I was amazed at how close it was to the Amiga / Dos version.. Lemmings and Lemmings 2 were one of my most played games back in the day.. I never actually played it on consoles.. without a mouse how well did it play?
Very well, actually!

My favourite of the home-console ports is the Master System version, incidentally, since it's got a bunch of unusual exclusive levels and music (not as many as some other versions, that said, but I love it anyway :P ).

As far as Lemmings 2: The Tribes goes, some even consider the Mega Drive version to be the best version of that.

While we are in the topic of music, isn't the first level supposed to have a different tune? I think you got level 1 and 2 mixed up :-)
I can say with absolute certainty that you played the MS-DOS version back in the day. ;) (That version swapped those tunes around - LemmingsSDL has it right. :P )
If you can find the levels you talk of, I'm sure there would be a way to implement them. I used the LemmingsDS level format (I thought I would be wasting my time figuring out the original format...I started and gave up when I discovered LemmingDS!). Included in that version is both a level editor AND a converter from the original format (http://www.mrdictionary.net/lemmings/). The great thing is the editor (though tricky) to use can take in an entire image as the level - so even if you have just a picture of the level, as long as you place the 'spawn point' and the 'exit' - the level is done! I could probably pretty easily add a 'Custom levels' setting allowing the user to drop the files into a directory.

I started working on an editor but gave up..perhaps I will return to it someday. Right now though, I'm trying to work on something 'new', work and homelife permitting!