Left shoulder button problems


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I've had an accident a while back (there is a thread about it on the forums somewhere)

I mentioned then that my jack plug was defect, I soldered it back on and it still works like a charm. However the left nub also got a smash, but it was still working....

Until today, I checked and it fell of (the internal clicky nub thing I mean) so as I managed to fix the jack plug myself I also tried to fix the nub myself, soldered it back on however even soldered back it is not working (not showing up in the input tester when I hear the physical click)

Not a big problem, I hardly use the nubs... however there is one problem, I recall that the left-nub triggers the boot sequence for flashing new firmware on there.

So now my question is there a way to flash firmware (when I need it, or when the switch is made to a non updateable version, so still hypothetical questions :P ) without a left nub?
So now my question is there a way to flash firmware (when I need it, or when the switch is made to a non updateable version, so still hypothetical questions :P ) without a left nub?
Haven't done a reflash in a long time, but afaik you don't need a mouse to do it => Right trigger for the boot menu, and a lot of tabbing for navigating the dialoges (even touch should work, but may have an offset). Or do I miss a vital part here ?
So now my question is there a way to flash firmware (when I need it, or when the switch is made to a non updateable version, so still hypothetical questions :P ) without a left nub?
Haven't done a reflash in a long time, but afaik you don't need a mouse to do it => Right trigger for the boot menu, and a lot of tabbing for navigating the dialoges (even touch should work, but may have an offset). Or do I miss a vital part here ?
oops my mistake for calling it a nub I mean the L-button or left shoulder button.

But you are right it is the right shoulder button :) so no problem at all :D
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:) Title fixed!

With regards to your Shoulder button problem, maybe its not seated properly. 

Best way I have found is to remove the bottom case and check to see if it registers if not you might need to add some support such as paper, hot glue or cardboard to it.
:) Title fixed!

With regards to your Shoulder button problem, maybe its not seated properly. 

Best way I have found is to remove the bottom case and check to see if it registers if not you might need to add some support such as paper, hot glue or cardboard to it.
Like I mentioned in the opening post, it completly fell of :D I resoldered it but it is mighty tiny to solder, so I probably just f"ckd up. No real problem though. The only thing I encountered so far is that I can not exit the input tester :D