left shoulder button not working


Still Fresh
Oct 7, 2008
Budapest, Hungary
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What to do if I have a not working or stucked left shoulder button on an openpandora that I got in June from Craig shop? Return back to him? Or to Evildragon? I am in Hungary.


Some things you can try before sending it in:

You can carefully open the bottom case and get it unstuck. If it is still not working, see if the button itself is loose or if the solderjoints are broken. If so, you can resolder yourself or if the button just got pressed down, you can try to push it up a bit carefully!

If all of this doesn't work, you can still send it in.

May I ask how this happened? Did it fall on the button?
It might be that the foam pad underneath the button has come loose that happened to me before and just needed resetting i just moved it about 3mm and its fine now, just be careful with removing back if you decide too
There shouldn't be a foam pad in the new units anymore (that was only needed for CC boards), but it might be the hole of the shoulder button is a bit too narrow (that's when it gets stuck every once in a while).

It's an easy fix if you're not afraid to remove the backside of the case. Use a drill size 4 (NOT A DRILLING MACHINE) and manually turn it around 4 - 5 times in the hole.
Jumping onto the train...

I have the impression that both my shoulder buttons suffer from being kept in the official Pandora bag. Since I used that both buttons must be pressed way harder then before and don't get back to their original position but stay close to the case. The "click" has gone.

Can I try the same operations to resurrect them as mentioned above?
My shoulderbuttons work just fine, but its a CC Board and a Platin Case which is used in GC Units,

dit this Pandora have foampads??


As my Pandora was original black, i made the Shoulderbutton Fix in which i had to put the Foampad on the right place back..
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Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click".

It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.
Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click".

It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.

I had some of these in my hands last week myself - they were just a bit stuck from the foam around the unit. Wiggling them a bit set them free and they worked properly after that.

Try if that helps, it worked on all four units I encountered with this last week.
Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click".

It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.

I had some of these in my hands last week myself - they were just a bit stuck from the foam around the unit. Wiggling them a bit set them free and they worked properly after that.

Try if that helps, it worked on all four units I encountered with this last week.

I have it open right now and i just seems loose. there doesn't seem to be any resistance from the shoulder button nub. I can wiggle and twist the button, pull and push it.. no resistance. :(
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I'm having the same issue and my only suggested fix is to send it back to ed for repairs. If someone could do a video or take some good pictures on how to fix/replace that button with some solder work it would be much appreciated

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Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click".

It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.

I had some of these in my hands last week myself - they were just a bit stuck from the foam around the unit. Wiggling them a bit set them free and they worked properly after that.

Try if that helps, it worked on all four units I encountered with this last week.

I have it open right now and i just seems loose. there doesn't seem to be any resistance from the shoulder button nub. I can wiggle and twist the button, pull and push it.. no resistance. :(
Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click".

It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.

I had some of these in my hands last week myself - they were just a bit stuck from the foam around the unit. Wiggling them a bit set them free and they worked properly after that.

Try if that helps, it worked on all four units I encountered with this last week.

I would hate to send the unit back.. is there a way i can pay for another board and have you refund it when you recieve the defective one?
Just received my 1GHZ yesterday. Left button also not responding too good right out of the box. Opened her up and noticed that the physical button will not "click". It wont release back into the normal position.. even if i try and pull it back up. But it is not on the constant on position... just a light touch will set it off.

I had some of these in my hands last week myself - they were just a bit stuck from the foam around the unit. Wiggling them a bit set them free and they worked properly after that.

Try if that helps, it worked on all four units I encountered with this last week.

I am unable to get out the screws, my utils are not appropriate for the task, it seems. And I am afraid of open the cover. Could I sent back to you for a repair?
It's an easy fix if you're not afraid to remove the backside of the case. Use a drill size 4 (NOT A DRILLING MACHINE) and manually turn it around 4 - 5 times in the hole.

This is what helped my left shouldie. When I opened the case it felt ok but in direct comparison with right button it was slightly tighter. So I rubed the hole in the button by few turns of drill 4 until I saw little amount of gray powder coming out. After that the button felt as smooth as the right one and it's not getting stucked anymore.

Oh, and I had to buy set of thinner screwdrivers extra for Pandora. All sets I have were too thick to fit into the holes. It's always nice to have an argument for buying additional tools :-)