Left Nub: To the Left, to the left!


Oct 4, 2008
Okay. So my Pandora was shipped just *slightly* a year ago from this post, and I've been enjoying using the device over the past year (Well, for the most part :P )

However, mine being a year old, and having been through *a lot* during that time, it has developed some problems.

Cosmetic problems, software problems, but as far as I could tell.. no hardware problems. Well, at least until that past three months or so.

The reason I'm calling this a hardware problem is that... well, I've tried just about everything and can't figure out what to do.

I've been avoiding talking about this because I hate to come off as a complainer, but it's gotten so bad I just don't know where else to turn.

Over the last few months, my left nub has been acting rather odd... Deciding one direction is more sensitive then the other, deciding to speed up and slow down (I always thought this was a processing thing...), and now, controlling hiccups.

It started off as the left being more sensitive then the right. A simple recalibration or a minute or two of the Nub dance seemed to fix it up.

Then, the amount of travel distance of the mouse going left started to far exceed moving it to the right. In fact, so much so, that moving left was racecar fast, but moving right was like riding a tortoise. The Nub Dance didn't really work anymore... only re-calibration.

Now, in the past few weeks, it's gotten so bad that a recalibration only fixes them for maybe five to 30 minutes, and the nub dance is out of the question.

In fact, it's so bad that in the past 2 weeks now, (on random occasions) pushing right has been moving the mouse left (really slowly).

So at this point, the nub only works in 3 modes going right: Tortoise slow, No show, or backwards hoe*.

I've been able to get around using the touch screen for a while, but I really prefer the nubs... when they work.

Here's what I've tried:

Nub Dance


Taking Battery out for 20+ min, putting back in

re-installing the OS

I'm using a Not-Rebirth Pandora with SuperZaxxon B5 installed. I was having the same problems while B4 and Zaxxon 6 was on it.

If anyone can help me, it would be most appreciated. I'd like to avoid having to send back to ED's shop (Assuming I even have the option since my Pandora probably arrived just days ago in 2011) but I'll understand if that's the only option.

Thank you!

~ Sam B.

* I used this for the sake of a catchy rhyme and I apologize if that actually offends anyone. Besides, I'm talking about a gardening hoe.
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I'm having the same problem for awhile. Also my left headphone (and my left speaker on the pandora) works only when I press the pandora near the Z key.

I think these are an issue with the solder connections. Mcobit just released a vide teaching how to fix the solder on the shoulder. I'll try to open my pandora and check if this is the case when I have a chance.
Mygames19 - I love the thread title!

Have you tried a jet of compressed air? I think craig used to give that tip a long time ago :)

Sounds like your nub could be on its way to nub heaven, they are sensitive creatures unused to this earthly environment.
Same problem I have, my problems have cropped up about 1 year after I got my Pandora. The nub would not calibrate, and I can't move to the left.
You can buy new nubs and solder them on yourself, IIRC.

If you think you're up to it though. Ed also said that he only had a few Pandas left in the repair queue, so if you send it in, it should have a pretty quick turn around time.