[cut]This thread is dedicated to compiling the results from GP2X MKII screen colour test program (as a follow up to this year-old thread) I'm hereby releasing. [/cut]The LCD colour correction test consists in a series of simple tests designed to find the precise colour characteristics of GP2X screens and to correct them. The test comes in two parts, one SDL program you run on your PC, and one program you run on your GP2X.
Both programs display the same colours, the goal is to make the colour in the center of the screen on the GP2X match as closely as possible to the one on the PC screen. [cut]It assumes that your PC screen has a decent colour calibration. One thing that is essential to remember is that your eyes shgould be perpedicular to the GP2X's screen, which means you should see the reflection of your eyes right in the middle of the screen. Additionally you may want to turn all the lights around you off.
So here's how it goes :
-Download the PC program (Windows and Linux versions as well as the source that is compiled with the command 'gcc pc_colour_test.c -o pc_colour_test `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -lpng')
-Download the GP2X program, copy on SD card, launch
-The screen fills with a red gradient. Move the joystick from left to right to move the vertical black bar to the point at which the gradient stops on its right hand (and brightest) side and becomes uniform bright red. Then press A and do the same for Green, Blue and White gradients.
-Launch the PC program. Both the PC program and the GP2X programs now say "Number of points: 4). We'll leave it to that, as we want to all use the same number of points in the curve. Press Return on the PC and button A on the GP2X.
-Now you see both screens divide in three rectangles. A black rectangle, a dark red rectangle, and a bright red rectangle. The goal is for you to make the middle rectangle on the GP2X more or less bright by moving the joystick left or right, and press A when you're satisfied with the resemblance between the colours on both screens. Please remeber that the middle rectangle is not always a 50% mix of the two other rectangles.[/cut]
[cut]-There's 4 such tests for each colour channel, which means a total of 16 tests. Make sure that you're always on the same test on both programs. On the PC you can go back and forth using the arrow keys or the Return and Backspace keys.
-When you're done, the PC program will simply quit, and the GP2X program will display its results, which look like this :
Red Green Blue White
204 200 196 200
127 126 102 120
101 87 77 90
167 162 138 157
185 183 164 178
-Write them down and post them here. If you don't "feel" the White test, feel free to not include its column when you report the results.
If you wish you can run the test many times and average each value. Just make sure to mention how many times you run the test so that I can appropriatedly weight your results in the final average (I won't make it proportional but the square root of it, as running a noisy test N times only makes it sqrt(N) times less noisy).[/cut]
Note that this test program will not actually attempt to do any sort of colour correction. It will be the object of the later release of colourd (the colour correcting daemon, see 2nd post of this thread) and will be made part of the final release of the Open2X firmware as a menu option.
[cut]As a result of this thread, once I'll have compiled all the results into a weighted average, we'll get a very precise colour correction.
Important note : make sure to report the model of your GP2X. MKI's don't have the same LCD as MKIIs (I don't know what F200's have).[/cut]
Both programs display the same colours, the goal is to make the colour in the center of the screen on the GP2X match as closely as possible to the one on the PC screen. [cut]It assumes that your PC screen has a decent colour calibration. One thing that is essential to remember is that your eyes shgould be perpedicular to the GP2X's screen, which means you should see the reflection of your eyes right in the middle of the screen. Additionally you may want to turn all the lights around you off.
So here's how it goes :
-Download the PC program (Windows and Linux versions as well as the source that is compiled with the command 'gcc pc_colour_test.c -o pc_colour_test `sdl-config --cflags --libs` -lpng')
-Download the GP2X program, copy on SD card, launch
-The screen fills with a red gradient. Move the joystick from left to right to move the vertical black bar to the point at which the gradient stops on its right hand (and brightest) side and becomes uniform bright red. Then press A and do the same for Green, Blue and White gradients.
-Launch the PC program. Both the PC program and the GP2X programs now say "Number of points: 4). We'll leave it to that, as we want to all use the same number of points in the curve. Press Return on the PC and button A on the GP2X.
-Now you see both screens divide in three rectangles. A black rectangle, a dark red rectangle, and a bright red rectangle. The goal is for you to make the middle rectangle on the GP2X more or less bright by moving the joystick left or right, and press A when you're satisfied with the resemblance between the colours on both screens. Please remeber that the middle rectangle is not always a 50% mix of the two other rectangles.[/cut]

[cut]-There's 4 such tests for each colour channel, which means a total of 16 tests. Make sure that you're always on the same test on both programs. On the PC you can go back and forth using the arrow keys or the Return and Backspace keys.
-When you're done, the PC program will simply quit, and the GP2X program will display its results, which look like this :
Red Green Blue White
204 200 196 200
127 126 102 120
101 87 77 90
167 162 138 157
185 183 164 178
-Write them down and post them here. If you don't "feel" the White test, feel free to not include its column when you report the results.
If you wish you can run the test many times and average each value. Just make sure to mention how many times you run the test so that I can appropriatedly weight your results in the final average (I won't make it proportional but the square root of it, as running a noisy test N times only makes it sqrt(N) times less noisy).[/cut]
Note that this test program will not actually attempt to do any sort of colour correction. It will be the object of the later release of colourd (the colour correcting daemon, see 2nd post of this thread) and will be made part of the final release of the Open2X firmware as a menu option.
[cut]As a result of this thread, once I'll have compiled all the results into a weighted average, we'll get a very precise colour correction.
Important note : make sure to report the model of your GP2X. MKI's don't have the same LCD as MKIIs (I don't know what F200's have).[/cut]
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