


Anyone interested in a port of this for the wiz? It was designed for Linux in the first place (though available on other systems as well)

I wonder if the wiz could handle this...

If not, there IS a 2d old one thats actually easier to play than the 3d one, in my opinion. If anyone is interested, I'll provide a link.
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portcitypetino posted on May 20 2009 at 05:49 PM said:
Yea this looks sweet i would really like this!
Oh no, hah, I wouldn't be able to, i have zero programming skills. We wouldn't be able to get the 3d version though, it'd have to be the 2D version, I was told, which doesn't make a difference to me, they're both really fun to play.
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the wiz should be able to play the 3d version soon enough i dont see why it wouldn't *prolly will get told why not*
Alright, well I know someone who helped make it, I'll give him a shout and see how possible it would be to get my hands on the 2D source code. ;D
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